Third Person's POV

As the lone tear traced its path down Hera's cheek, Hestia's heart clenched in sympathy. She approached her sister with gentle concern, her soothing presence a beacon of solace amidst Hera's storm of emotions.

"Hera, my dear sister, are you okay?" Hestia's voice was soft, her eyes reflecting Hera's pain.

"No... Hestia, h-he's ch-ch-cheating on m-m-me a-again," Hera's words emerged between sobs, her anguish raw and palpable.

Hestia's heart sank at the confirmation of Hera's worst fears. She wrapped her arms around her sister, offering comfort as best she could, though even her divine powers struggled to ease Hera's torment.

"Shshshsh... my dear sister, I'm here." Hestia murmured soothingly, her touch imbued with warmth and compassion.

The weight of Hera's sorrow hung heavy in the air, casting a shadow over the usually vibrant atmosphere of Olympus. Hestia had never seen her sister so broken, so vulnerable, and it pained her to witness Hera's anguish laid bare for all to see.

"I have to decide and act now. I don't want to be this broken-hearted ever again," Hera declared, her voice tinged with determination as she wiped away her tears.

Hestia offered a small smile, her encouragement genuine yet tempered by the gravity of Hera's words. She knew that Hera's resolve masked a deep-seated pain, and she prayed that her sister would find the strength to heal.

With a sense of purpose, Hera began to navigate through the crowd, her steps steady despite the turmoil raging within her. Hestia followed in her wake, a silent guardian offering support and solidarity to her sister in her time of need.

The once lively atmosphere in the throne room grew hushed as the unfolding drama captured the attention of every immortal present. Hera's voice cut through the tension like a thunderclap, reverberating with a potent mix of fury and heartbreak.

"ZEUS! WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING WITH THAT NYMPH IN YOUR ARMS?!?!?!" Hera's accusation rang out, her eyes blazing with righteous indignation as she delivered a resounding slap to Zeus's cheek.

Zeus recoiled from the blow, his expression a mixture of surprise and irritation. "WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!?!? AND HERA, STOP THIS NONSENSE! YOU'RE MAKING A SCENE!" he retorted, his tone laced with defensiveness.

But Hera refused to be silenced. "NO. YOU TELL ME FIRST. WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH THAT NYMPH!?!?!?" she demanded, her voice trembling with anger and hurt.

"I'm just talking to her. Hera, please, let us discuss this in a civil way," Zeus implored, a note of hesitation coloring his words.

Hera took a deep breath, willing herself to calm down despite the storm of emotions raging within her. "Okay, then. Let us discuss this situation right here in a civil way," she agreed, her voice steadier now, though no less determined.

"Thank you, Hera," Zeus sighed with evident relief, his gaze briefly flickering to the nymph who stood nearby, her fear palpable.

As Zeus turned his attention back to Hera, she met his gaze with a mixture of sadness and resolve. "Zeus... I don't know if you still love me but-"

"Of course, Hera, I love you dearly," Zeus interjected, his words ringing with sincerity.

Hera's heart clenched at his declaration, her anger momentarily giving way to vulnerability. "Then why do you keep on cheating? Why do you keep on returning late?" she pressed, her voice thick with unshed tears.

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