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They say that "Don't judge a book by its cover", and I proved that when I misunderstood you on our first meeting. The first glance was all about prejudice, anger and mistakes and the second glance at you was all about beauty, truth, enchantment and love. You are Enthralling, Mai. I hope that in another life I get to be with you longer.

                                                     - Hanyu Yuzuru

A friend and a trusty companion. That's how I saw you from the very start and to our end. Yuzu, I hope I felt your feelings sooner. We could've been happier if that's the case, but never mind that, cause it's too late already. I hope that in another life I get to be with you and I make the right choices.

                                                     -Miyamoto Himari

One thing I've learned in life is that, there is no point of being mad and in denial of things that already happened. We should just start understanding things and learn how to forgive.


Enthralled (Hanyu Yuzuru)Where stories live. Discover now