Chapter 7: Store of Hope

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                    She ran and ran endlessly. Not knowing where she truly was or which direction she's taking. It's been 10 minutes since she got out of that horrible place, she finally got out of that hell. She can tell that the place was very far from any village or civilization; she's been running all this time and she still hasn't reach any house. All she can see are trees and al she can hear is the chirping of the night birds. No source of light can be perceive by her eyes, she's thankful that she didn't tripped on any stone on the way. The track that she's running in to, is a narrow, cemented road. For now she can't do anything but to run in this road that serves as her temporary guide towards the wished help.

               She needs to be fast, or else she'll get caught. A loud screeching of cars can be heard in this dark, endless road she's taking. Her assailants are getting nearer and nearer. She can only run faster despite her tears running down her face. Hope is slowly leaving her, in fact she almost gave up then and there thinking that this is her end now. She was about to stop when she spotted a light nearby. It is a lamp post, which can only mean that civilizations are near. 

              She kept on running  until she reached a few houses lined up. A small store can be seen in between those houses. She decided to call for help there since someone is probably in the store. She called for help and a man soon showed himself. He asked her if there is anything wrong and she told him what she can utter, her voice is failing her. The man, seeing her beaten body, let her inside of his store. She believes the little girl that came to him. All this time, he has this suspicion of something illegal  going on in the woods. He avoided to mess with the people who goes in there. And now, he finally proved that something dangerous lies in there.

           Himari, however, couldn't do anything anymore. All of her power was used in that running that she did. This time, she was actually thankful that she's an athlete. She soon gave in into sleep.

        "Have you seen any little girl in here?" said the tall man, which the store owner guessed as the little girls assailant. "Not at all, everyone that lives in this small place are adults and elderly people." the store owner said trying to be calm. The man buying his white lie, left with frustration.



            Nothing can describe the pain in my body and the hammering headache that I am feeling right now. I opened my eyes waiting for the dim-lighted room where all of us kids are kept. My eyes seemed to betray me as I am not seeing what I had expected. I tried to sit up straight as I scan my surroundings. I am in a well lighted room with beeping machines and a white uniformed lady walking around; a hospital?

        That's when I remembered everything that happened; right, I escaped. I can't even remember now how exactly I escaped. All I can remember is that I am running and I met someone whom I asked for help; the owner of the store.

       "Are you finally awake?" asked the nurse. " Where am I?" I asked. "at a hospital, dear." "I know that, what I mean is  where is this place?" I asked again. "Can't you remember me, Himari? I am the nurse that took care of you when you are hospitalized here before." she said. That's when I fully placed my attention on her. Her name is Maria, the nurse that took care of me when I fractured my leg doing some quads before. 

         The nurse kept on asking things that I can't seem to understand. My head is still spinning from waking up and here I am being forced with all of this questions. A knock cleared all of my thoughts as I focused on the door, waiting for the silhouette of a man to step inside of the room. Maria opened the door and a man in his forties entered with an assuring smile on his face. This man is clearly an acquaintance of the police, I can tell so much from his uniform. 

          "I can recognize you from the missing person's report, you are Miyamoto Himari, right?" "Yes sir" I said. "Fear not, I am from the police and your mother is already on the way here." he said assuring me. "The man that brought you here is at the station, he already gave his statement. The police are doing their best to solve the issue." he continued. 

       After some questions, he left. "You should rest, you can wake up later when your mother comes." I complied to her; obviously I need to rest.

           With that I drifted to the dream land.


        I finally am saved. 

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