The Ginger beer's.

342 22 7

Hi there everyone!

This is my very first official book that I am posting on Wattpad and I really hope you enjoy it.

I took the #SpringBreak pledge for #JustWriteIt and it would be amazing if you guys would support my book so it can be noticed.

I just want to apologize if my book has spelling errors or grammar errors.
Editing at the end of the book.
English is my second language too so I really hope that you all wouldn't even notice that but unfortunately some things slip through sometimes.

And then of course thank you for reading my book. Every read counts and so does the votes. Don't forget the votes ;)

Lastly I would just like to say that this book does not contain any immature content or language. I just wanted to write something that's light, partly funny, romantic and normal for any teenager at my age.

Although it's listed as a fan fiction, the story line is still based on reality.

I love you guys and I hope you enjoy.

I just want to quickly say that it utterly irritates me when there's author notes at the end of each chapter so there will only be this one and one at the end.

Don't forget to comment and vote and if you could give me a free shout out or want to suggest something, be sure to in-box me @megan_moose. Also I need someone who can make me a really good trailer, if you can do it, I will tell you how the storyline goes and all those things. Any case,

Here we go! :D

All rights reserved. No part of this publication can be published without prior's permission.

No parental guidance is advised.

[To be continued after 50 reads or 25 votes]

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