NXY. Fig Pink lipstick.

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Chapter 1:

I am pretty sure I told Summer that it was a bad idea to apply lipstick to Mozart.

Okay, it would actually have been funny, if we haven't been caught. But we did.

This whole thing started this morning, when Summer picked up someone's lost lipstick on the parking terrain. NXY. Fig pink. I've seen her think long and hard about what to do with the Fig pink lipstick all day.

Finally when the bell rang for second break Miss. Monroe was short on our heels until Summer and I decided to stop and find out what the interest could be. She gave me a wink and handed over an envelope to me. Right then and there I knew what it consisted. It was for Mr. Apple.

Mr. Apple is a music teacher at our school. He isn't married. Of hand I think he could be something in his early thirties.
When my parents was at that age they've already conceived me. I just can't help to wonder what's his holdup. Miss. Monroe was obviously head over heels in love with the man.

His class was situated on the end of the first corridor, far away from everything and anything. It's probably to prevent the defining tones of disturbing the rest of the school.

"Can't she just deliver her own love letters to Mr. Apple? She's starting to make a habit of this. I don't want to waste precious time, I coud've used on eating food, to deliver stupid love letters." Summer filed her complaint to my ears.

It's probably one of the school's most heard rumour that Mr. Apple and Miss. Monroe made out the one night at the freshmen ball, when they were actually suppose to be on terrain duty and supervise the learners. Unfortunately for them they didn't do it in a very private corner since almost every student knew about this the next day. Ever since then, she sent him letters, love letters. I just wonder why they always try to keep their love a secret. They weren't getting any younger. Perhaps he has a phobia for dating or women?

I knocked on Mr. Apple's door. No answer. I peeked through the window, the classroom was empty.

"Oh just walk in and place the envelope on his table already." Summer rolled her eyes and shoved me against the door.

"I'm, leaving if you waste one more minute!" Her voice seemed fierce, her eyes burning deep into my soul.

Yes, I think I might just be a pushover.

I placed my hand on the door knob and revolved it gently. The door wasn't locked. We entered. Mr. Apple's bureau is behind the eighteenth century ajared top piano. Over stacked with files and papers.

Summer searches the room with her eyes.

"Weird," she mumbled disgusted.

The classroom is quite spacious. Music pieces were stuck to the White Board. Which I'm guessing is for the school's orchestra he instructs. Pieces like "staccato", "pianissimo" and "legato" is all I saw. To me, those were well known names, but to Summer, I don't think so. She's more the type of heavy metal and latest pop music girl. But somehow she continues to surprise me still everyday.

Surrounded by chairs and music instruments I perceive , stuck against every wall, posters of faces, people that looked like they should've been deceased centuries ago.

Summer trails her finger across Beethoven's poster like face and snorts.

"If these guys we're all so brilliant, can you tell me why they never could comb their hair before they had a self portrait taken of them?"

I shook my head angrily, since I knew there will be no winning to this argument and then placed the envelope on Mr. Apple's bureau. Hopefully he'll notice it. But then again, who wouldn't? It has red hearts and Chanel number 5 sprayed all over it. I don't think he'll be missing it.

"Let's go Sum, before he comes back. I don't feel like having a conversation with him today." I groaned as I made my way to the doorway.

Summer turns her back towards me and approaches the piano where Mozart is placed.

"Summer, what are you up to?" I hear the hint of tension in my voice.

She turns around and gives me a big smile. I know that smile. It's the smile where I usually end up in detention and she pleads innocent. I've experienced it before. Allot of times.

"Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart," she holds the porcelain white gewgaw statue in her hand and the NXY Fig pink lipstick in the other.

"A pale, lifeless statue that's only begging me for some colour."

In an instant Mozart's lips are transformed from a dull white colour to brightening pink.

"Summer Vince, how could you do this!" I paced up towards her and grabbed Mozart out of her hands.

"It's not my fault. Mozart was practically exhorting on his knees for me to help him transform into a colourful her." Summer laughed it off and started walking into the other direction, but right on Que Mr. Apple's figure was short and unbearable leaning against the door frame.

"I see you've met Mozart?" he slowly neared it and picked it up only to gently caress it.

"What a wacko." Summer whispers trying to break the silence where she stood frozen in her tracks.

"I don't know what you were thinking but I'd like to see you both tomorrow in my class after school." he glared over his shoulder.

"Uh, uhm, Yes sir." I pleaded and grabbed Summer by the arm as I marched out of the class.
The guy was practically crazy buy I don't know if Summer might even be worse.

Dear sticky notes book, to self,

Never let Summer pick up any object found anywhere. She might just use it to colour a priceless statue in a loner's abandoned class.

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