♯ 𝘀𝗶𝘅.

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Ups! Ten obraz nie jest zgodny z naszymi wytycznymi. Aby kontynuować, spróbuj go usunąć lub użyć innego.


Yesterday was hell.

He had practice early in the morning and was busy the whole day.

By the time he got home she was already sleeping, she had yet to see his text either. He had messaged her throughout the course of the day and even called, he just assumed that she was ignoring him.

It was the day after, she was leaving.

He hated himself. He had the chance to make things right, he had yesterday. It wasn't a matter of priorities either, he would drop practice and a day of his studies for her.

But he couldn't.

He wasn't an early waker and she knew this. She attempted to sneak away when he'd be sleeping. Kenma didn't sleep that night, there was too much to think about. He had so many things he wanted to say to her and was afraid he'd get caught up in his thoughts. He spent the night practically in a daze.

His thoughts were sad yet friendly. They didn't want to hurt him.

But just because it was intentional doesn't mean it wouldn't hurt any less.

The one thing he had put his all into was just crumbling before him and he couldn't even try to put it together. It broke into such tiny pieces that he couldn't catch them when he put out his hand and the pieces were so sharp that they cut him.

He didn't even know where to begin. Such small pieces to pick up with such little time, he wasn't sure if he could do it.

He doubted himself. She was ignoring him, what could he do?

If she wasn't answering his text, would she talk to him?

She thought she could escape him. He saw it written all over her face when he approached her. He also saw that she didn't want him there.

He knew that he should've just let her be, let her just leave. But he couldn't.

He put so much into their relationship and he'd be damn if he just let it go like that.

And after a while, he settled. He realized.

She was going to leave him regardless.

Her ending it like this was her letting him down slowly. Their relationship ended when she got the acceptance letter.

He was confused about how to deal with all he just realized, and all he could really do was watch her get ready to leave him. The words he wanted to speak just seemed to go further down his throat instead of out.

He felt sick. He chuckled inwardly, whenever it came to them not talking he always felt sick.

He looked completely stupid. Normally he'd listen to his anxiety and just leave but he just couldn't move. His eyes were heavily glossed over, but the tears wouldn't fall.

Every bone in his body was stiff while his mind was screaming at them to move, to do something.

In all honesty, he didn't know how long he was standing there since he was so caught up in his mind. His thoughts were taking over.

But when he felt a wet sensation on his cheek, his body seemed to finally move with his mind.

She had placed a sloppy kiss on his cheek, and it felt horrible.

It felt like goodbye. It was empty, with no love or emotions.

He choked back his sob, he really hated himself.

She was right in front of him, a hand grasp away, and he didn't even realize it.

He seriously wanted to scream.

Even though his body was responsive, it still wouldn't move.

He looked up at the sky, releasing a silent prayer into the air. The same prayer he'd been mumbling since he realized her plans.

"Please don't leave me," he said, it was almost like a whisper, but she had heard it. She had heard it clearly, and that was why,

she left.

He didn't even realize he was crying until he felt his shirt's moisture on his skin. The car she was traveling in,

soon became almost invisible in the morning fog, and soon enough,

it was gone.

westsideOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz