♯ 𝘁𝗿𝗲𝗶𝘇𝗲.

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The two made it back home, with the girl deciding to have a sleepover. Kenma didn't necessarily agree with the idea, but he didn't object to it either. He and Mochi needed the company since his parents were gone for the week- but not that he would ever say it.

Even though they spent the evening clearing the air on the whole situation, Kenma couldn't just go back to normal and act as if nothing happened. Sure, he was happy that they made up and are on a path to putting the past behind them, but, if she had planned on acting like the past never happened so soon, he wasn't sure if he could do it.

The whole situation between them came with crippling pain. Pain that he had to deal with himself. There were also tears, Lord knew how many tears he shed over one girl. But with all the tears and pain she caused him, he never once resented her. He never wished to see her ill, crying, or at her lowest. He left her alone, he let her be. Whatever happened, happened.

He didn't resent her because he understood. He understood that she had to make a decision, choose her destined path, and do her own. Why would he be mad? If his girlfriend at the time decided that he was only a burden to her instead of a helping hand..how could he be mad?

Why wasn't he mad?

He couldn't find it in his heart to be mad. If he said he was, he was lying. Even if he forced himself to think badly of her, it would never work. She put too many good memories in his heart for him to hate her for leaving.

And maybe he hated that. He hated how he always justified her actions. He always understood her and everything she did.

And that's why he never tried. He never tried to move on. There was this part of him, the part that understood her, that always knew she would come back. Whether it be while you both were still teens or grown adults.

He wasn't waiting, he was just hopeful.

Hopeful that for once, he was wrong. Hopeful that he wasn't the only one still holding faith in their relationship. It wouldn't be the first time, but he prayed it would be the last.

He had questions. Questions he already knew the answer to, but it would be better if it came from her. And not the voice in his head.

As of right now, he was happy with how things were. He didn't need to say much for her to understand, she already knew from his mood or facial expression. And maybe that's another reason why he didn't want to move on. There wasn't a large number of people who actually understood him. He didn't know if he could do another relationship with someone else. Having to constantly explain himself and his actions, would surely kill him.

"Kenma..?" she called out.

"Hm?" he said as he slightly tilted his head. He would admit that he zoned out and wasn't paying attention to the movie showing, but he just shifted his attention to Mochi instead.

Of course, she quickly caught on, pausing the movie and turning her full attention to him. "You okay Kenma? Talk to me."

There it was. This effect she had made him want to confess everything right there on the spot. It wasn't a pressured feeling either, he didn't need to tell her. But the way how she sat patiently petting Mochi just waiting for him to confide in her made him want to tell her everything.

She made him want to forget.

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