♯ 𝘁𝗿𝗼𝗶𝘀.

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You remembered that nobody had informed you of Kenma ever moving. Of course, it wasn't really your business to know, but that didn't mean that you didn't want to know.

There was a fifty percent chance that he was here. It sucked that it was such a high chance of running into him. But seeing that you'll be in town for a while, you are due to bumping into him at some point.

You just didn't want it to be so soon. You needed to prepare for that. Seeing him face to face would strike up serious emotions and feelings and you may handle that the wrong way.

So much could go wrong. And you didn't want to lose him before you even tried to get him back.

You looked through the window and saw a familiar figure leaving their house with luggage.

Kenma's mother.

She was a lovely woman.Though she didn't believe that you and her son had actually parted ways. She still facetimed you at least once a week and still referred to you as her daughter-in-law.

You never told her the reason why you weren't seeing her son anymore, out of fear of her hating you. But if he was still in contact with her than she would have known by now.

You sighed into the couch and decided to let the thought go.

It was a draining day, but it felt good to be back home.

After you finished getting settled in and doing what you had to do. You went outside with snacks.

It was the perfect weather and time for it. Stargazing and eating on the front lawn. Nobody was outside so it didn't matter either way.

You got comfortable on the lawn and then shifted your full attention to the moon. it was full and glowing tonight.

It looked really pretty at a time like this. There weren't many stars out either, the attention was all for the moon.

It was just you, your snacks, and the pretty full moon.

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