C H A P T E R 28

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"John B! Cal!" the other ones yelled as they saw them coming back and joining them at the junk yard.

As soon as they made their way closer, everyone seemed to notice Callie's tears and the blood they both had on their clothes.

"Who's blood is that?" Pope asked to both of his friends.

"What happened Cal? why are you crying?" JJ asked as he got closer from her and gave her a warm hug.

She cried for a few seconds as he rubbed her back and tried to comfort her but honestly, it wasn't helping.

"It's Rafe.. he-he.."

"Is it Rafe's blood you have on you?" he asked softly as she was sobbing too much to talk so John B spoke for her.

"No. Peterkin, Peterkin is dead, Rafe killed her when she was arresting Ward for killing my father"

"What?!" JJ asked as Callie pulled away from him and walked away to be alone.

She hid behind a wall and threw up, crying, as it was too hard to believe. She kept on throwing up once or twice more and then felt someone holding her hair up.

"Here, you can have this to clean your mouth," Pope said as he handed her a bottle of water with his free hand.

"Thank you," she took it and rinsed her mouth. Pope stayed here and looked at her.

"Cal, we have to go to the police, you know that, right?"

"Please, please don't," she sobbed again and he hugged her, softly. "Please, I can't have him in jail. I love him so much"

"Shh, I know but look, who knows what could happen if we don't tell the cops he did it? how about justice for Big John?"

"But Rafe didn't kill Big John, Pope," she sobbed out of strength to fight. "He's a good person, he's all I have"

Pope rolled eyes but kept holding her, because she wasn't thinking straight, probably because she was shocked.

"Please Pope.. please don't go," she whispered but it was useless. She knew they'd go anyways and understood their opinion.

"Hey, do you want us to drop you home before? you can stay home or at the chateau if it's too much"

"No it's fine, I'm coming with you, but I'm staying in the car, please I can't betray him," she spoke softly.

"Sure, anything for you," he spoke and she pulled away from him before joining the others who were already in Kiara's parents car.

She wiped away her tears, tired of crying and placed herself in the back, just looking through the window.

So that was the end? was it how they were gonna end up? Her crying her entire life about him being in jail?

Well, that was not expected at all. She remembered their conversations about their future together, but it seemed too complicated now to ever become true.

"Do you think his sentence could be.. you know.. death penalty?" she asked biting her nails.

JJ next to her shook his head, snapping her hand away from her mouth. "Don't bite your nails, it cuts your stomach and you can have like.. brain cancer"

"What?!" Kiara asked, driving because his observation was dumb.

"No, I don't think so, he's a Kook. His dad is going to influence the judgment anyways," Pope replied going back to the topic.

"And do you think I'll get to see him a last time?" her eyes started to fill up with tears again. "Like, at least five minutes?"

"No hell no," JJ replied smoking a blunt.

"Shut up JJ! We don't know yet, so don't be an ass with her, she's sad," Kiara spoke, looking at Callie in the car's mirror.

"Look, it's not about not knowing yet. It's when the situation comes, are you guys seriously gonna let her? He's a murderer okay," JJ argued.


"Man stop"

"Well, when he's gonna do the same he did to Peterkin, but this time to our best friend, I hope you remember I didn't agree on her seeing him a last time"

Callie sighed and looked through the window so they wouldn't see her tears.

"He loves me, he wouldn't hurt me, I know he would never," she spoke and Kiara parked the car at the police's station.

"Alright, somebody's gotta tell them what happened," John B said.

Callie wanted to scream, to cry, to jump on John B and not let him go tell the truth, but she didn't. Because it was the truth, Rafe had killed someone today.

She simply closed her eyes and put her head on the headrest of her seat. "Come here"

JJ hugged her to apologise from his last words and handed her a blunt she immediately took and smoke.

"Give me one too," Pope spoke as he took another blunt and smoke on it, causing him to cough.

"Hey be careful Pope"

"Easy there, chief"

They kept smoking, eying Pope who was obviously getting high for the first time.

"God, I wish we didn't have to do that. I wish cops could frame Ward for the murder of Big John and Susan," Callie complained.

"I know.. I'm sorry but he deserves to go to jail," Kie replied. "We have to denounce Rafe as well to the police"

"I hate cops sometimes. Actually all the fucking time, we can never trust them" Callie said annoyed.

"Exactly. You should never trust cops, no matter what the circumstance is. That's what my old man used to tell me," JJ said.

"Your old man's an abusive liar," Callie replied and Kie nodded.

"She's right"

"No I agree with JJ," Pope added. "Fuck the police"

"Pope?" Callie asked, wondering if it was really him.

"You're going to the dark side now?" Kiara asked, looking back at the boys.

Everyone stayed silent and Callie genuinely hoped Ward would somehow use his Kook privilege to get his son out of this mess.

Because as psycho and scary as he was, she loved him and wanted him forever. Maybe it was toxic, but she didn't care.

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