18 Because bathtubs are comfy

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After the poker game*

I was sitting on the couch watching
them. How did I get into this? I mean really, come on! What is life?! This hell apparently...

"How come he wins every time?" Nick grumbled.

My attention snapped back from my mini pity party to the ended poker game on the table.

Shaun leaned back in his chair smirking at Nick. "Maybe I'm just... Better than YOU!" He laughed obnoxiously. My stomach twisted in fear. Shaun won, meaning I had to stay with him. My heart pounded wildly.

"Haha. Your hilarious! I'm busting a gut over here!" Nick said sarcastically. "Well...*yaaaaaaawn* I'm going to bed.

All of the other guys agreed and left the room except Shaun.

I stood up from the couch slid and made my way to the stairs, feeling his eyes on me the whole way.

"I'm assuming that you knows which room is mine...? Shaun asked from behind me.

"Don't worry, I'll look for dark and depressing. I'm sure I'll find it." I tried to sound confident.

"It's the 3rd door on the right." He chuckled and almost sounded amused.

Im done with the whole switch guy, room, and bed game every night. Tonight I'm sleeping by myself and not in some strange emo guys bed. I walked down the hall and found his room. The dark walks were covered with freaky goth and emo band posters. Almost everything in the room was black. Wow, this is depressing... I think I found it. Now, where to actually sleep, because I am NOT sleeping with Shaun. I curiously explored the room with my eyes finding only a closet (which was practically another room) and a huge bathroom. My stomach made loud gurgling sound. 'How could I have forgotten? All I ever think about is checking my body and what I am or am not going to eat. How could I let my control slip away so quickly?' I made a v-line to the bathroom, locked the door behind me, and leaned against the door. 'Ive got to get out of here.' I stripped in front of the mirror. I slowly traced my collarbones, 'They are are the only part I like about myself.' I turned to to the side my mouth fell open. I had made progress! I felt relief and a something like pride at the same time flow through me. I got lost in the mirror for some time. All at once, someone knocking on the bathroom door snapped me back to my terrible reality.

"Are you coming out of there anytime soon?" Asked Shaun.

What if he unlocks the door?!
"I-I ugh-um-no!" I stuttered quickly cramming my clothes back on.

"I'm going to bed so if you decide to join me..." Hearing his footsteps slowly fade I slid down wall until I hit the floor. I am not sleeping with him, so now I have find somewhere to sleep.' The entire bathroom floor is stone so that's not going to work. I started to go through the cabinets under his sink. I found a extra toothbrush that hadn't been used and brushed my teeth with it. 'I haven't brushed my teeth in like 2-3 days. That's pretty disgusting. After brushing my teeth I continued to rummage through his stuff and found more than twenty soft fluffy bath towels and also some razors. 'I don't need those yet.' I reached past the razors and grabbed an arm load of towels and started arranging them in the bath tube to make a mattress of some sorts. It took a couple of trips to get all of the towels but by the time I was done it was actually not that bad. Turning out the light carefully, I felt my way back to the tub and climbed in on top other the towel mattress. How long can I be here before I crack? Seriously. I don't think I can stand it much longer. Also, I have to eat something tomorrow or I'll start fainting again. Maybe a low calorie piece of fruit? My nerves about eating calmed when I thought about my progress. Slowly my mind let go and I drifted off to sleep.

Sorry I've been gone so long! I have missed it! Love you guys. Have a beautiful and wonderful day:)

¥ Peaches! ¥

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