Chapter Nine

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In the silver moonlight, the Beauchamp house glowed like a star, the yellow siding now blue from the night sky. It was gorgeous, and Em felt almost giddy when she drove down the laneway, her overnight bag resting on the passenger seat beside her. She didn't need much, just a change of clothes and her toiletries, but she didn't want to show up empty handed, so she'd stopped at the little corner store near her house and picked up a few snacks. Some chips and candy, stuff she'd seen in the movies. She'd grabbed more than they needed, probably, but she wasn't sure what Nova liked, or if she had any allergies herself. She felt dumb for not asking earlier, and thought to call, but with Henry gone, she wasn't sure if Nova would even know if the phone was ringing. She'd grabbed as much as she could at first, and then put the bulk of it back in embarrassment. She didn't want to seem overeager.

The porch light came on when she approached, and Em couldn't help but smile when Nova opened the door, her fiery hair in two buns on the top of her head. Toad chirped loudly at her when Em stumbled up the front steps, her arms overloaded with things. She'd definitely overcompensated, and was regretting it, but only for a second. Nova's warm hands grabbed her elbow to help her up, and thankfully, Em was spared from anymore embarrassment.

"Didn't know what to bring," she stuttered out.

Nova waved her off with a smile, and the two headed inside.

They must have had the same idea because when Em stepped into the kitchen, she found the counter had its own assortment of chips and snacks. Nova bit her thumb, and Em could tell she was fighting back a laugh. Always with her sticky notes, Nova scribbled something down.

Same idea. :P

Em nodded in agreement, a smile of her own forming. It was nice to know that someone was just as excited. She took a seat at the breakfast bar, as did Nova, and with the silence of the night around them, Em breathed out. The crickets were chirping outside, a touch of the wind blowing against the windows. A chill made her shiver, so she threw on the sweater she'd packed. It would be a cool night from what her mom had told her, so she'd brought one just in case. Nova must have been cold, too, because she was already bundled up in a long sleeve, and then an olive green cardigan overtop.

"Are you cold?"

Just like before, Nova's gaze flickered over her shoulder, and then she nodded, rubbing her arms like a freezing character in an old silent film. She looked down, picking at her nails, the polish chipping in spots.

Never had a sleepover before.

"You've never had one?" Em asked incredulously. How anyone could forget to invite Nova, she would never understand. She was unforgettable. Nova scrunched her nose up at Em's comment, so she rushed to explain. "No offense! I just – I've never had one either. Well, I have, but only when I was like, five, so I don't really count those."

Dad was a little paranoid about leaving me at other people's houses. Leaving home makes me...

Remembering the sign, Em stretched out her arms and shook her hands.


Nova laughed and nodded. A blush bloomed on Em's cheeks. She rubbed them, hoping she could blame it on the chill and not the fluttering in her chest. Nova didn't seem to notice, but when Em squinted, she swore the silver danced in her eyes. And then Toad jumped up on the counter, and Em flinched. She hadn't heard the tabby announce his entrance, if he had at all.

"Are you nervous because of your witch thing?"

Nova grew still, and the smell that surrounded her was sticky and sour like last time. Em wrinkled her nose at the guilt. But then, as quickly as it had appeared, it was gone. Nova had shut the feeling off, somehow.

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