"Can I help?" She asked curiously as we headed down the stairs.

"Of course," I smiled over my shoulder at her.


Once Rose was asleep, I grabbed the baby monitor off the dresser and gently shut her door as Alexis follow close behind me. From everything that's happened today, one thing that's become increasingly apparent to me is that Alexis would make a great big sister. She's very nervous around Rose still, but she was so cute when we were making her bottle. The look of concentration across her face was so funny to me because I don't even focus that much.

I also had her give Rose the bottle, which was pretty interesting, to say the least. She was a nervous nelly when I set Rose down on her lap, but once Rose started cooing at her, I knew she wasn't gonna give up then. She did ask me if I thought babies could smell fear, which made me chuckle thinking about it. The best part of that moment was turning it into a mini photoshoot. Rose wasn't gonna do anything as the bottle was lulling her to sleep, and I knew Alexis couldn't complain too much since she was holding Rose. Most of the pictures Alexis is actually giving me a stink eye, but I managed to get a few good ones. I've been sending Lizzie pictures of the two all day, she's been continuously texting me every moment she has free.

"Okay, what do you wanna do now?" I asked once we had reached the bottom of the stairs.

"I'm not sure," Alexis yawned. It wasn't hard to notice the dark bags under her eyes or the way she looked like she could fall asleep at any moment. Lizzie mentioned it to me in a text earlier but I was still unsure if Alexis would even try to nap.

"Does a movie sound good?" I asked, remembering what Lizzie told me about her sleeping. It can't be said to her directly, she has a really hard time with that.

"Yeah that sounds good," she smiled faintly at me as she stretched her arms.

"Do you want to watch something in particular?" I asked continuing on our way to the couch.

"I don't care," she answered shortly.

"How about a Disney movie?" I asked catching her mid-yawn.

"Sure," she agreed, taking a seat next to me.

"I'll get us some snacks, why don't you look through the movies?" I said pointing her in the direction of the movie cases.

"Ok," she nodded slowly. I went to the kitchen and got a few bowls of snacks before filling up a tinted water bottle with Alexis's PediaSure. If she's not eating she has to try to drink it, Lizzie's orders.

When I returned to the living room, Alexis seemed deep in thought regarding which movie. "Did you find one yet?" I asked setting the food and water bottle down on the coffee table.

"I think so, can we watch beauty in the beast?" Alexis asked shyly.

"Um, yeah," I agreed after a short pause. It's literally a movie about a young girl getting captured and falling in love with the guy. I just hope she doesn't get triggered by it.

I loaded up the movie as she got comfy on the couch. Once I joined her, I handed her the water bottle, which she took sparingly.

"What's this?" She asked giving me a side-eye look.

"It's a-a some PediaSure to help you feel better," I explained slowly not wanting to set her off because I know eating is a touchy subject for her right now. 

"I'm not drinking it," she declared shortly.

"We're not arguing over it," I told her seriously.

"Okay, I'm still not drinking it," Alexis told me firmly as leaned over to set the water bottle back down on the coffee table.

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