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"you ... you bet against your best friend?"

"duh. i always bet against him, even if i think he could win."

kaoru peered at the young boy with slight confusion. "the two of you are always making wagers against each other, even on the most trivial things. where do you get all that money?"

"from the wagers we win," miya plainly replied.

kaoru and kojiro deadpanned, somewhat expecting the response, but still hoping for something better.

"oh, boy, shadow ... onto the next beef!" adam quickly moved on. "who shall be the happy couple?"

he moaned like a little bitch in heat.

"oh~ snow!" he began hovering his hand over the box once more. "my heart is pounding with envy! which of you lucky contestants get to skate behind that act? oh, pick me, choose me, love me! and the lucky opponent is..."

"whatever 😐"

a playing card marked with joe had been drawn from the box, thus leading to one of the most eventful beefs of the night. as usual, some spectators made bets on the skaters, while others developed their own theories on how the race would play out.

reki had snuck into the mass of the crowd, hiding himself from view. he only made his presence known once langa began falling behind, which naturally sparked langa's interest in the sport once more.

he found his muse, the one who brought him into the world of skateboarding in the first place.

he found his reki.

after a series of nerve wracking tricks and turns, the winner had been decided.

hasegawa langa would move forward to the next round.

"congratulations, snow!" adam exclaimed, performing ballet motions across the stage. "you really do go above and beyond to exceed my expectations. we're all so lucky to have you!"

 we're all so lucky to have you!"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2021 ⏰

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