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"so," reki started awkwardly, "you know about s."




finally, [name] caved, and he came clean with one of his skate-related secrets, "yeah. i do."

the redhead's eyes widened in admiration and interest, "woah! how long have you been there? do you ever compete? do you use an alias? have you met-"

"slow down," [name] interrupted reki's spitfire of questions with a cheeky smile, "i've been competing at s for about two years, but the rest is for you to figure out."

thankfully, [name] managed to save himself with that excuse, inherently preserving the secret of his identity. reki, on the other hand, merely pouted in disappointment. many of his questions had been left unanswered by the younger teen, and he was still bubbling with curiosity.

"i have to get to school," [name] informed. he picked up his abandoned backpack before giving one last glance to his two upperclassmen. "i'll see you soon, though. don't be late to class!"

langa weakly waved goodbye, visibly wincing in slight pain from the earlier accident. reki chuckled and waved more excitedly than the former.

"yeah, yeah. bye, [l.name]!"

"[name] is fine. later!" he turned and began walking in the direction of the school.

before he could leave, reki quickly shouted, "call me reki, then."

the second year was met with a thumbs-up from [name], so he turned his attention back to the blue haired boy on the stairs. "did ya hear that?! [name] skates at s! that's awesome!"

langa nodded, equally as impressed as his friend. the thought of his schoolmate skating at such an impressive place only piqued his ever growing interest in skateboarding.

"hey! stop right there!"

several classes were halted by the yells of a staff member from outside, and the windows were opened to observe the ongoing scene.

"aw, crap! time to go." reki sped off with his board while langa attempted to do the same. a student on the upper floor took the chance to call out for the two, "hey, reki! better not get caught ditching!"

[name] and the other first year students watched amusedly as reki and langa avoided the angered faculty.

"hurry up! move it, new guy!"

"yeah! he's catching up!" they warned in a teasing tone. reki continued to advise langa with helpful tips, simultaneously preparing to curve around the school building.

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