7 - Winner Stays On

Start from the beginning

"So this is your room, we had guys go collect your things they should be here in the morning. Your bathroom is through that door over there and your walk-in wardrobe is just there."

Some blonde guy came and walked me to my new bedroom. I liked him, he seemed like one of those people who you would fear but once you got to know them, you realised they are one of the most energetic and fun people you'll ever meet and the only reason you ever feared them was because they make them self seem scary so they can protect the people they love.

"Thanks... uhh"

"oh shit, sorry, my names Logan."

no fucking way, it was this bitch that had the team sent to capture me. One of the 6 men were talking about him before things got messy.

"Holy shit! You're the guy that sent the team to capture me they said your name whilst thinking putting a gun to my head would stop me from fighting back!" 

"Yeah, sorry it was me who gave the order and not to get or your bad side but, I was also the one who took the video of you in the club and showed it to Damian."


who the hell was Damian? Hot name though.

"Damien is the guy that let you join the mafia, you know the mafia King?"

"ohhhh, that overconfident dick head?"

Logan chuckled slightly before replying "yeah, that's the one."

Then Logan explained to me how thing worked around here, how he was second in command and how I should do what I'm told if the person telling me what to is above me or I would more then likely be killed, which, to be fair, was understandable.

After that Logan told me I would be staying at the compound until Damian thought I was trustworthy and good enough to go on an assignment. He said I could train in the gym tomorrow if I wanted to.

of course I did.

Finally Logan told me about the compound. They have so much here, even more than I had back at the mansion which is really saying something. He finally finished explaining everything I needed to know before heading out and I crawled into bed too tired to keep my eyes open.

 He finally finished explaining everything I needed to know before heading out and I crawled into bed too tired to keep my eyes open

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In the morning five men came and moved all of my stuff into my bedroom there was more than I thought that would be.

 The last thing that came through the door was my dagger chest I was so happy to see it. I got up, took a shower and got ready for a day of training. 

I decided to go very basic and just wear a matching sports leggings and a sports top pair. I threw on some socks, trainers, grabbed my water bottle and hand tape and left to go find the training centre.

After wondering around aimlessly for 10 minutes I finally found the training centre. 

It was a nice place it had everything you could want for training and the fighting arena was simple but was a good space to practice combat. 

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