13. It's So Complicated.

Start from the beginning

"H-How did you manage to get that information?" He enquired.

I froze on my spot.

I didn't think up what I'll say if he asks me this question. But there's no point in hiding the truth.

"I- I appointed a detective from my side to keep an eye on them." I said with my eyes filled with guilt. I was truly sorry for my actions, I knew my actions were totally that of a stalker.

"What?!" He said surprised.

"I know it's wrong to invade in someone's private life , but like you I also got a bad feeling about Sua. Please forgive me! It'll not happen again." I said begging for his forgiveness. I know much hard work the company staffs do for safe guarding Jungkook's privacy and image. Naturally, if someone reveals sensitive information like this, it is like milk spilled on their hardwork.

"It is wrong but I think in a way it was necessary to do a background check on Sua. We, as well known managers from an entertainment company don't have the power to dig out information on artists as popular as Sua. Rather I'm thankful to you. This will be an eye-opener for that brat!" He spoke cockily.

I laughed to see him call Jungkook like that.

"Y/N I know you are in a tough situation. I can see the pain in your eyes but all I would say that you should laugh and smile often . You look really pretty when you smile!"

He said noticing my smiling face, how long has it been since I laughed this hard? I got numb. After so long somebody said this to me. I remember my dad used to say this, that I look the prettiest when I smile. I miss him. Suddenly I got a hit of nostalgia, the old beautiful memories with my small little happy family. Our short time together was so pretty, so ethereal, that I remember it whenever I'm in a tough situation to calm myself down.

"Y/N you listening?" He asked.

"Oh, Yes. Right. He's blind in love he won't listen to me even if I tell the truth, I have to collect evidence." I spoke coming out my maze of those beautiful memories which will never come back to me again.

Things are changed, the flowers are withered and so am I. A new me isn't what it used be, its ruthless.

Still, new flowers bloom when the old ones wither, maybe it can happen with memories too? I hope for that beautiful flower to blossom again in my garden of painful memories.

"I know. Let's plan-out how we can stop this." Manager spoke again. I brushed off my thoughts and controlled my emotions. This isn't the time for those, I have something more important and necessary to do. I sighed and asked manager.

"How will I enter the party? According to my information only VVIPs are allowed with special invitation. Moreover cameras and mobiles are prohibited." He thought for sometime and finally answered with full confidence.

"I have great plan and I'm pretty sure you can do this." He smirked. I can hear him laughing evilly inside his mind. He sure has planned something amazing.

"Really what is it?" I asked curiously and he explained me the plan making my eyes go wide in shock.

"WHAT?! NO WAY ! I can't do this- " I screamed taken aback by the plan again getting stares from people. Gosh! At this rate we'll get kicked out from the café, we are disturbing others and again I bowed as an apology to others, all embarrassed.

"There's no other option. It's the sole choice we have and I believe you'll never get caught like this. Trust me." He said confidently, he's not wrong, I thought for sometime. We neither have much time nor any other options.

"Okay deal! " I agreed to his plan. Honestly, I'm getting second hand embarrassment even before the plan is executed. 

"Tomorrow in the morning at ten,  nine hours prior to party. I'll wait for you at XX place. I'll make all the arrangements."

"Yes, I'll be on time. Thankyou so much Manager! I owe you." I thanked him cheerfully, he's the only trustable person here. Someone who cares for me.

"That should be said by me. I can see how much you love him. It makes me happier that there's someone who'll care for him in my absence." He said making me blush a little. 

" I do love him, a lot. " I agreed to his statement, a red tint never leaving my face but with a faint smile because I love a person who hates me to death.


We parted our ways and I came back home. I slowly opened the door with a smile plastered on my face. I was in a very delightful mood. Soon enough my smile dropped to the floor, cold sweat surrounded my face and my jaw dropped in shock . To my utter surprise...

Namjoon was sitting in front!

He was also shocked to see a stranger at Jungkook's home. Obviously he was panicking. Moreover, Jungkook also got up from his seat and was giving me cold glares.

"Who are you? Who allowed you to enter in Jungkook's house? Are you a stalker? I'll call the cops now!" He spoke glaring intensely towards me, this reaction was expected.

'No way! We can't reveal our relationship. I called this girl so many times to inform that Namjoon hyung is visiting but she didn't pick up . No hyung!' He thought and rushed towards me and harshly put his right hand on my waist pulling me closer besides him.

I'm not dreaming right? Somebody pinch me at this point.

"She's my wife hyung! I'm married!"

I was goggle-eyed not because of the revelation but because he actually addressed me as his wife for the first time. I was looking at Jungkook with with my eyes grown wide. He was gripping on my waist. I can feel that he must be angry that I barged in without informing.

"WHAT? YOU SERIOUS? THIS IS BIG! HOW DARE YOU GET MARRIED WITHOUT TELLING US?!" He was beyond astonished and was literally staring at me like I'm a ghost.

What a life!

One side my husband giving me death glares and on the other side I got to see my idol standing in front me, staring at me like anything. I want to dig a hole and put my head into it for some days! How will I explain them? It's so complicated! I was mentally slapping myself for not being prepared.

 I want to dig a hole and put my head into it for some days! How will I explain them? It's so complicated! I was mentally slapping myself for not being prepared

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Poor girl has to give a hell lot of explanation. :)

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