"To the lavatory, wouldn't you follow me since you've taken the job of my bodyguard?" She asked

I shake my head "So looking after you is a sin right?"

"Follow me maybe you'll help me turn on the tap ,nonsense" She hissed going to the lavatory block


Channelle's POV

I made my way to the lavatory block while doing my business I heard footsteps coming in it sounded like 3 students, I shrugged it off not minding them but what's the use? I'll just listen to their conversation at least let me know what's happening in this school of mine.

"Argh! I'm so angry!" I heard one of them yelling

"Calm down" Another one said, calming the one yelling

I don't know who these girls are, I'll just give them a name I haven't heard the third person's voice yet.

So we have Angry Bird;who is angry, we have Calm Chicken; who is calming Angry Bird, and for the third person we have Chicken Spices; who I'm sure is going to spice up Angry Bird, I think that's settled

"And those small things think they can treat me anyhow, just look at the way he was talking to me" Angry Bird laments

"You are the one taking all this rubbish, if it was me I would have shown them," The third voice said A.K.A Chicken Spices. I told you she would spice it up, all these girls

"They are his friends!, I need to be nice to them you know how boys are" Angry Bird said

"Aunty nice, well done" said Chicken Spices

"Let's just treat their mess up!" Angry Bird yelled turning on the tap with force

Aunty better don't spoil it 

"Look let's not do anything we would regret" Calm Chicken said,

Good friend 

"Oh please" Chicken Spices warned

"We need to get rid of her, ASAP- As Soon As Possible" said Angry Bird

"So what's the plan?" Chicken Spices asked

"Wait wait, who are we getting rid off?"

"Precious what the hell is your problem!!" Chicken Spices shouted

Which precious?

"Kachi calm down" Angry Bird calms her down

Which Kachi?

"Vanessa what's her problem, asking questions and saying stuff like she's a dummy" Kachi said angrily

LAST YEAR IN HIGH SCHOOL #PROJECT NIGERIATempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang