"Leanna!" He yelled. Before he could even reach me I jumped into the girls bathroom. I hear a thud and poke my head out of the bathroom. I see Josh on the floor rubbing his head and glaring at someone. Dean stands there smirking.

"Dick!" Josh glares. He quickly stands up and makes his way over to Dean and his buddies. I look over and see Blake thankfully.

"Blake can you please makes this situation better." I beg. He smiles and I mentally slap myself for asking him out of all people for help. He stands right beside Josh and they share a look. Oh jeez. Josh lifts his fist and hits Dean. Dean then lunges at Josh and Blake jumps on one of Deans friends. There was a crowd circling the 4 boys with me just standing in door frame of the girls bathroom. Dean was pinning Josh and hitting his face repeatedly. Josh looked like he was close to unconsciousness. I quickly ran over to them and almost was pleading for Dean to leave Josh alone.

"Please let go." I cried tugging on Deans arm. He shoved my hands away making me fall and that made me even more pissed. I ran back over to them and jumped on Deans back. I pounded my fists against his back making him grunt and curse but he still continued to hit Josh.

"Ahem." we all stopped. I got off of Dean, Dean got off of Josh, Josh stood up next to me, Blake got off of that kid and they both stood up, and the crowd scattered to their next period classes.

"My office, now." our principal said sternly. It was like a scene in a movie.

"Hold on one minute." Josh says holding up his finger. I look at him confused and then he punches Dean in the nose making him fall back.

"Don't touch my girlfriend again." he says calmly.

"Now, let's get to your office." Josh says smiling at the shocked principal.

I don't usually get sent down to the office. So when my mom showed up she was very much confused when she saw Josh, Blake, 2 guys, and me sitting there. When her eyes landed on Joshs bruised face her eyes went wide, along with Mrs. Harrison who was standing right next to her.

"What the hell happened?" My mom snaps. Shit just got real. My mom never swears so when she does you know that she's pissed. Sophie gasped at Moms choice of words and I bit my tongue from laughing. She was so innocent. Sophie then looked over at Josh and almost cried. I looked at Josh and he was smiling at Sophie.

"Come here Soph." he says opening his arms. I could hear them talking to each other while my mom and Joshs mom talked to the principal. Sophie pulled away from Josh and walked right up to Dean.

"I hate you." she snaps. A laugh escapes my lips and I quickly cover my mouth.

"Your a brat." Dean snaps back. Before I could get up and smack Dean myself Sophie stomped on his foot. It must have hurt by the way he cradled his foot in his hand. Sophie smiled and sat back down on Joshs lap. Josh and I shared a look with both of our eyes wide. Before the situation escalated into something worse, everyone's parents came out of our principals office. A woman, Deans mom I'm guessing, looked pissed.

"Since you all spent the last hours of the school day in here, you are all free to leave. None of you have been given punishments since your all seniors and are gonna leave high school in a month anyways. So we'll see you all on Monday." I quickly stood up along with everyone else eager to get out of that office.


"Mom I promise you I had a good reason for jumping on that guy." I pleaded expecting to be yelled at.

"Leanna I'm not gonna yell at you." she laughed and I let out a sigh. "I'm glad you jumped on him, that little sh-"

"Mom!" I scolded covering Sophie's ears.

"Sorry." She laughed nervously. "Anyways, I almost slapped him myself for what he did to Josh." I laughed.

"Mom I'll meet you home Josh is bringing me, and we're going out tonight." she said bye and then I headed to Joshs car. He was leaning there with his head down.

"Was your mom mad?" I asked.

"No not really, she was just mad that I didn't beat his ass." he chuckled.

"Well you almost passed out because he kept punching you." I defended before examining his face. He had bruises on his eye, jaw, and nose. And there was dried up blood under his nose.

"You better shower before we go out tonight." I teased.

"Don't be mean." he pouted sticking his tongue out at me.

"Your an idiot." I say. He grinned stupidly.

"I'm an extremely hot idiot."

"Come on let's go my 'extremely hot idiot'." I quoted before getting into his car. After him driving for about 10 minutes I looked over at him while he had a smile plastered on his lips.

"What?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

"You think I'm and extremely hot idiot." He said with a cheeky smile. I laughed.

"More idiot than hot but that's ok." he pretended to be sad but I could tell he was biting back a smile.

My hair was curled and I was wearing a red strapless dress that was tight. I paired it with some black heels.

"Ready?" Josh asks.

"Ready." I replied smiling. This was going to be a great date.

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