"I know," I told her like it was an obvious fact. I was just more curious to see where we were at. If she was in a good place with me, I knew she wouldn't resist. I wasn't gonna force her but I just wanted to know.

"I'm busy right now," she told me keeping her eyes on the task at hand.

"Ok I'll be back, we'll leave in about ten minutes," I said before scurrying out of the kitchen. I pulled my phone off the charger on my nightstand to see two missed calls from Boyd and a voicemail. His voicemail just said to call him back. Hopefully, he's not too busy right now.

I click on his contact and it started to ring. He picked up not too long after, "Good Morning, Lizzie," his cheery voice came through the phone.

"Hey, B what's up?" I answered in a cheery voice.

"Oh I wanted to ask you something about Alexis, I went to get a drink of water last night at like three in the morning and she was awake like sitting on the bed staring into the abyss. Then when I left this morning really early she was on the couch dressed and ready to go, I'm guessing to Scarlett's. Is that normal for her?" He explained. Wait how long has she been up? Did she have a nightmare and not want to wake me? Did last night not help her try to trust me at all?

"No, not really, she might have had a nightmare?" I reasoned.

"Maybe I heard some noises around the first time I woke up but didn't think anything of it because when I left our room she was silent," Boyd explained.

"That's pretty typical for her. I don't know where she picked that up but she's really quiet about her nightmares it's honestly really concerning and she hates it when I force her to take naps so she runs on barely any sleep," I told him, hopefully seeing the bigger picture helps.

"Yeah, that's not good, I just cracked the door open because I wanted to know where the noises were coming from and she was wide awake. I didn't say anything but she did notice me," he informed me which might have added to her lack of ability to want to wake me.

"Yeah, that's typical for her. She doesn't usually sleep after and I'm assuming if you heard her it was a big one," I sighed. Why didn't I hear her? Or why didn't he wake me?

"Oh," Boyd answered.

"I'll see if Scarlett might be able to get her to nap, she seems to love hanging out with her, and maybe since Rose naps, she will also," I said formulating a plan of how to explain last night to Scarlett with Alexis in the room.

"That might work!" Boyd happily agreed, "alright I've gotta go but thanks for calling."

"Thanks for letting me know, have a fun day at work," I replied.

"You too! I love you," he said quickly.

"Love you too bye," I said before hanging up. Oh my goodness what am I gonna do about Alexis?

Alexis's POV

When Lizzie was finally ready we headed out to the car, Boyd had been picked up by his team so that Lizzie could use the car.

I threw my bags in the backseat before climbing in and buckling up. I didn't want to smush my bear into a bag so I was still carrying him. I was pretty excited to go to Scarlett's, well more accurately to be away from Lizzie. I need some time to think and I know Scarlett can help answer my questions. She always knows how to help.

"Are you excited to see Scarlett?" Lizzie asked as we pulled out of the parking garage. I nodded not wanting to talk to her much. The real reason I made breakfast this morning was so that we'd hopefully leave earlier and I'm happy to say it worked out. I'm actually a pretty decent cook. I was the main chef between Josh and I ever since he deemed me good enough to cook on my own. I don't know if Lizzie knew that but maybe that's why she doesn't let me cook? Or doesn't want me to have to do it? I'm not sure.

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