As they were eating, Natsu took notice of the items in Lucy's lunchbox. "How come you got candy, but I didn't?" he asked with a small pout. Lucy looked at him, then smiled. "It's because Auntie loves me more," she replied, teasingly sticking her tongue out at him, which Natsu found adorable. Natsu chuckled before taking some of Lucy's candy, to which the girl pouted and slapped his arm, making him laugh harder than before.

"Can you guys not flirt in front of me, I'm trying to eat lunch." Gajeel said he was disgusted, causing Lucy to blush and Natsu to scowl at him before he slipped his arm around Lucy's waist, pulling her close to him. He was tempted to pull her onto his lap but realized Lucy probably wouldn't react so well to that.

The group continued eating and talking, with Natsu occasionally glancing down at Lucy.

Lunch came to an end, so they packed up and went to class.  "Natsu," he heard a high-pitched voice call out to him. The boy ignored the voice and continued walking with Lucy to their next class. Natsu heard footsteps coming up from behind him, then felt someone grab his hand; he didn't need to even look to see who it was.

He took his hand out of her hold before sighing "hello, Lisanna," his face remaining stoic as she greeted him happily, not noticing that he wasn't alone. "Natsu, I've been calling you for a while now, and you weren't answering," the white-haired girl said, pouting.

"Sorry Lisanna I didn't hear you since I was talking with Lucy." He lied. Lisanna had then finally taken notice of the blond girl who was tucked into Natsu's side with his arm draped over her shoulders.

Lisanna glared at Lucy momentarily, which didn't go unnoticed by Natsu, before forcing a smile. "Hi Lucy," she said through clenched teeth. Lucy greeted back with a cheerful 'hello' and smile before turning away.

Lisanna had wrapped her arms around Natsu's, pushing her breasts against him, making him shiver in disgust, which Lisanna had misinterpreted to be some sort of sexual reaction (AN: idk man 🤷‍♀️). As they were walking, Natsu kept receiving angry stares from a lot of other guys and girls. "He's so lucky," "I wish I was on his arm too," "It's not fair how he gets the hottest chicks," they kept whispering clearly, not noticing Natsu's discomfort.

Natsu had successfully gotten Lisanna off of him when he stopped in front of his and Lucy's classroom, and he wasted no time to rush in and close the door behind him before pulling Lucy to the back of the class, where their seats were. The moment they sat down, Lucy took her text books out of her bag along with a romance novel she brought with her, while Natsu just sat quietly and watched her as she got immersed in her novel.

Natsu always loved it when Lucy would read; he enjoyed her facial expressions; he loved how her face would visibly brighten whenever she opened up a new book; he absolutely loved the way she would smile and squeal whenever her favourite ship was making some progress (AN: Nalu fans don't really know that feeling 😭), he also loved how she would be so engrossed in her book she wouldn't notice him staring.

Five minutes had passed and the teacher still hadn't shown up. Nobody really cared though, so they just did whatever they wanted while waiting until a student showed up to inform them that their teacher wasn't coming and that they didn't have a substitute either, so it was basically a free period.

Natsu looked to the side of him where Lucy sat at her desk, still reading "Lucy." He called out, but the blonde didn't hear him, so he got up, walked over to her, and picked up her chair (while she was still in it), startling the girl. He placed her chair right beside his before getting her desk and doing the same with her chair before sitting back down.

"You almost made me lose my page!" Lucy exclaimed, hitting Natsu lightly on the shoulder once he got settled into his seat. The boy just laughed and said, "Sorry about that.".

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