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"Come here Legend! Rome! Get over here!" I yelled at my niece and nephew "Fucking heathens" I rolled my eyes

"Uncle car! Legend is poking me again!"

"Bend his damn finger then Rome," I said irritated

"You bend my finger Ima bite yours off," Legend said. Rome ran towards Legend growling and I caught her by her shirt. Legend started laughing at her and started playing on his phone again "Got damn kids"

"Ooo daddy is kissing mommy again! I want a girl!"

I looked up grabbing Legend before he tried to attack Magnus again. Legend thought that them kissing would give him more siblings, and he made it very clear he didn't want another sibling.

Legend got out of my grasp running over to Magnus and goddess, pushing him away from goddess "Get away!"

"Legend" goddess scolded him "Stop pushing your dad. What did I tell you about that?"

"He's trying to give me another brother or sister, and I don't want one!"

Goddess sighed glaring at Magnus and Magnus was laughing "Baby listen" she got down and kissed his hands "Kissing will not get you another brother or sister. I promise. Your daddy lied to you"

"dyadya?" (uncle?) legend looked at me

"Your dad is a fucking asshole," I said

"Go sit down. We're about to land." Goddess told them

"Pop pop!" Rome Jr and Legend said running up to Ricardo hugging him.

"There's the trouble makers" he knelt down hugging them "Go check on your grandma huh?"

"Okay!" Rome Jr grabbed Legends hand running up the stairs.

Ricardo watched them go up the stairs then turned to Goddess "I need the three of you to go to America. Meet up with Alexander and Adriel."

"What's going on daddy?" Magnus said making Ricardo glare at him

"Just a contract. He requested Rome's presence"

My brother lit a cigarette up "I'll kill him. No." He shook his head "Just blind him. I need his money. Stab him in both of his eyes. He won't see my goddess then"

Goddess started laughing then kissed him "I'm going to go check on my mommy" she got up rubbing Ricardo's shoulder then heading upstairs. "I'll be back, you two play nice" She pointed at Ricardo and Magnus.

He watched her go upstairs then looked at us "I'm sick. Lung cancer" he chuckled. "Stage 2"

Magnus put his cigarette out "That's why you've been sending Rome everywhere"

He wiped his face "Yeah. I've been getting everything in order just in case the treatment doesn't work." He looked at Magnus "She's my successor. So she's going to have to move back to Italy"

He nodded his head "Of course" he said respectfully he turned and looked at me "You'll take over the Russian Mafia, and I'll be you're second"

I nodded my head "Why haven't you told her"

"You know how Rome is. Plus, she's already lost 2 parents, she doesn't need the stress of potentially losing another one. I might be fine. I'm not going to stress my daughter out for no reason. She has a family to take care of"

"Ricardo, you're her father. You're a part of this family" I said

He smiled "You're a good man Oskar. Better than Magnus that's for sure"

"Fuck you Ricardo"

"Skinny bitch"

"Cancerous fuck"

"How's that cut doing?" Ricardo asked referring to the cut that goddess gave Magnus for pissing her off with one of his 'pranks'.

Magnus scoffed "That's why I trapped your daughter, you're stuck with me forever. Pop pop"

"Didn't she break your ribs?"

"And I loved every second of it" Magnus palmed himself and we both looked away

I cut Ricardo off before he could respond "You're a fucking psychopath." I said to my brother then looked at Ricardo "Ricardo. Just let me and Magnus go. I'll handle Alexander. Spend some time with Rome, okay?"

"Okay," he looked up at the stairs "I do miss my daughter"

"Put the gun away Magnus," I said looking between Alexander and Magnus

"Blow my brains out Magnus, and the last thought I'll have is of that beautiful chocolate wife of yours," Alexander said smiling

"Damn it, Alexander! Shut the fuck up!" I yelled at him

"Oskar?" Alexander looked at me "My feelings are hurt. You've never scolded me before"

"We need to handle this business. I need to get back home." I said impatiently

Magnus looked at me with a knowing look and put his gun away. "Fine. Business"

"You miss your wife huh?" Alexander smirked at me

I rolled my eyes, sighing, then pulling out my gun shooting him in his collarbone "I just fucking said business."

"Brother, that was so sexy" Magnus's hand was covering his mouth in fake shock.

"Shut the fuck up Magnus"

We were sitting in the medical wing waiting for the doctors to finish situating Alexander.

"I can't believe you shot him in his collarbone" Magnus chuckled "You're growing up on me baby brother"

"Just shut up"

"It's okay to miss her you know? I don't miss her ass, but that was your wife, you loved her, she was important to you"

"I don't miss her Magnus" I rolled my eyes sitting back.

"Yeah, that's why you got her an empty grave and headstone?" I was about to say something but he stopped me "You go destroy the headstone and make a new one with new insults then destroy that one. You're hurting and missing her"

"I don't fucking miss her!" I stood up yelling "just shut the fuck up Magnus." I started to walk away but bumped into a little body.

"Watch where you're going bitch!" I scoffed hearing her words and decided to leave the bitch on the floor. She jumped up and looked at my brother "Magnus I'm going to kill you! You shot my fucking brother!"

He smiled at her "Nice to see you too Harmony. You look uglier than usual angry. I'm glad I could do that for you"

"You motherfu-" she tried to grab him but I grabbed her shoulder pulling her back

"He didn't shoot your brother. I did"

I watched her light chocolate face get a tint of red "You son of a bitch!"

Magnus started laughing "Our mother can be a bitch"

Perfect Harmony (WIR Book 2. Unedited.)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara