The fall of Matthew

Start from the beginning

Matthew stands up heatedly.
"But what was it for Adrian!? Tell us all now what happened that so urgently needed our companies funds. Was it for a private matter? I have spoke to the local authorities and they were under the impression it was a search and rescue mission at your home address. Not just a donation then is it?" Matthew accused conceitedly.
"This is a professional meeting Mr. Graham. There is no need to be so hostile. Please sit down and I will happily discuss and fill everyone in on current business affairs." Adrain, once again spoke so calmly, so in control.
Adrian loved how calm he was right now. He knew he was in control. Being raised by a money crazed father who cared more about making the extra buck and forcing his employees to tremble with fear at the sound of his name. Adrian loathed his father growing up. Especially when he started to force him along to the business meetings and quiz him after about what was said. Every answer young Adrian got wrong would land him some form of physical punishment. Thankfully he learned quickly. It was the only way he ever knew how to please his father. The only thing he took away from him when he died was how to succeed. How to run a business.
Begrudgingly Matthew brushes himself down slightly and sits back in his chair. Looking directly at Adrian and no one else.
Adrian looks over to the CFO who smiles back giving a short nod. Indicating to Adrian he was ready whenever he was.
"Thank you. Again, I truly understand how frustrating and confusing it must be. By all means Mr. Graham I am not trying to leave you out of decision making at all. It was my intention to write you an email at some point today to go over expenses, as we do every month but, you beat me to it by calling this meeting, and I sincerely thank you for that as it gives me a better opportunity to explain to everyone my plan for our future going forward with the company." Adrian smiles pleasantly.
Matthew rolls his eyes.
"Enough with this bs just get on with it Pennington. We don't have all day." He bites.
Continuing to smile at his business partner Adrian casts a look around the room at everyone. They all seem quite taken back by the continued outbursts.
" A few months ago before Mr. Graham arrived in this community I was having very frequent meetings with chief marketing and finance. As we are still in a beta stage of opening this community I thought it was appropriate to review the communications we have with the local authorities and local PD. I suggested an idea after looking at our finances from New York that instead of feeding these departments trickles of money each month or when we needed them, that maybe they would be better off in lump sums annually. It was agreed that it would look so much better on our tax returns so we granted to trial it." Adrian paused to change positions in his chair slightly.
"Before I go on I must add, as a chair and CEO I did not feel this trial needed to be approved by the majority board vote simply because this is a trail run. We are learning.  Mistakes will undoubtably happen this is how we learn and progress the business. I was no means trying to hide anything. I want to remind everyone you all approved me to run this community and that is exactly what me and my team are doing." Taking a sip of a bottle of water that was given to him by his assistant he hastily carried on.
"As the team here at this branch all agreed months ago. At some point we would like to test our local PDs response times if, heavens forbid a little who maybe isn't adjusting well does try and escape we will know what to expect as a last resort to call upon them. Last night, well early hours of the morning to be exact." He pointed a look at Matthew.
"I arranged for my own personal guard unit to get lost in my vast, private forest. In which when they were truly lost we called our local pd with the approved annual donation to go with it. I must say the response we got was absolutely phenomenal." Adrian finished his explanation.
The chief financial officer passed out copies of spreadsheets comparing finances and agreed sign documents and meeting minutes of previously discussed plans. 
The room stayed silent for a few moments while all the gentlemen tread through the handouts.
"So this was all really a waste of our afternoon then!?" The chief operating officer who is second in command under the CEO's barked out gruffly throwing papers on the table.
Another scuffle of angry remarks started to rise in the room. Matthew tried to smooth over things and still accuse Adrian of betrayal and mutiny.
After a moment Adrain decided to stand to control the room.
"Your attention please!" He bellowed as he moved to start pacing the room. His dominant, deep voice caused Koda to startle. Adrian walked and began rubbing circles in his back.
Although calling order woke his boy up it efficiently silenced the room. All eyes where on him once more.
"I am so deeply sorry some of you feel your time has been wasted this afternoon. If I can confirm there are no concerns with how things are going with this community I would like to address a more severe topic with you all that I feel needs immediate action taken."
With a bunch of silent nods and grunts of approval Adrian continued pacing the room whilst speaking clearly.
"I'm afraid some of you will find this hard to hear but over the last few weeks I have received several complaints against one of our acting board members all from different members of staff. The ones I have recently received though from employees and management higher up I feel can no longer be ignored. As you have seen from this meeting today. Mr. Matthew Graham has acted irrationally, aggressively and unpredictably not to mention there has been many recently questioning his professionalism." Adrian took a breath.
Matthew stood up and started to shout profanities angrily at Adrian.
Koda began to cry waking up to realise where he was. He became scared, confused. Adrian had to hold onto his boy a lot tighter.
Other board members tried to calm Matthew again, a commotion occurred.
It fell dead silent.
"You. Can. Not. Do. This. To me." Matthew seethed.
"It can be an anonymous vote no one has to be named or shamed for this." Adrian spoke calmly addressing his fellow board members.
A unison of yeses and let's get this over withs rumbled around the room.
Someone from legal stood up and handed out post it notes to everyone except Adrian and Matthew.
"Mr. Pennington as you are the one requesting Mr. Graham's suspension you will not be allowed to vote. If I can have everyone's votes folded twice into individual sealed envelopes I shall personally count each vote myself in a private room and get back to you." The nice attorney spoke.
Matthew threw a chair against the wall which caused Koda, who was now fully awake, quietly watching events unfold to start crying once more.
Adrian had to summon all of his strength not to beat Matthew for scaring his little boy like that.
Instead the billionaire shoved kodas paci back in his mouth and started to sush him as he paced the room.
After all the votes were collected two individuals from legal went to quickly score and count the vote.
As they walked back in Adrian knew from the look of fear on their faces he had won.
Silently but quickly he went to his assistant and ordered her to go and call security.
As the legal reps finished announcing the vote for Matthews removal a riot broke up.
Adrian quickly evacuated the room promising a private meeting with the whole board in the very near future also apologising profusely for the actions of his colleague.
Adrian stayed behind while two burly security guards and Adrian's own security felix came into the room.
The two men restrained both of Matthews arms while Adrian packed away his laptop and other things.
"Hold Koda for me Felix." Adrian handed Koda to his own security.
Felix rolled his eyes. He did not come into the room to hold the adult baby child he thought exasperatedly.
"I got my attorney to send your attorney another offer for your shares. It's double to amount of the first offer. Take the offer Matty, go take a break maybe find your own little bit of happiness. I want the best for you man. But mine and my own will come first. Just sell the shares. Walk away man. Walk away." Adrian told his friend comfortingly.
Matthew spat on the floor at his feet as he struggled to get lose between the two men holding his arms.
Adrian shook his head and left.
"Escort this man out of my community and make sure he doesn't go back to New York or touch this one ever again." He told Felix as he took Koda back from him.
At one last look behind him at Matthew, Adrain walked away determined to never look back at him again.

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