CHPT. 34 The seven Demons

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Alastor hummed as he tapped his fingers on the table. Once again was he cooped up on the library, trying to summarize the many kinds of demons all over Teyvat. He sighed as the pen in his hands slid through the paper while he wrote. Bloches of ink splattering as he raised his wrist away from the parchment, and narrowed his eyes at the notebook.

The situation with the Demoness in Dragonspine had yet to be assessed, but Jean had done quick work. Knights within the snowy lands of Mond were ordered tp return; even Albedo was forced to come back to the city with little explanation before he had returned.

It was announced that the citizens would be better of staying in the city for most of the time, but as to not force panic, Jean had acted as if she were going through an extermination. The people only thought that they were beinf contained as to not get in the way of the knights, but although that was true, it was for their safety.

The adventurers had collaborated with the knights and began hosting small expeditions to hunt down food for the people, while also giving out reports on unusual activity. Cyrus had enthusiastically lead a group mixed with adventurers and knights into battle with minor demons, and came back victorious―but not unscathed.

Alastor had to force Jean to never send out her knights against highee-tier demons, and had instructed pairs to fight them if he saw fit. The grandmaster was smart enough to trust a veteran and a demon to task them with such.

Although she did worry when she found out that Alastor had been going alone to hunt down certain and specific demons, which made her shudder. Alastor had returned with a sickening smile on his face, Al with some blood splattered across his shirt.

Now, at the moment, Alastor was frowning at the notes he had written, while the knights, Diluc, and Venti were discussing the plans concerning Gwyneira.

"It's quite a surprise that Master Diluc has decided to join us. What a miracle that you did." Kaeya smirked at his supposed brother, while said man sneered at him.

"I have to. We're up against a cryo-poweres demon, and you're going to be useless against her. What will you do? Send icicles as she redirects them to you knights?" Diluc spat, glaring at Kaeya now wore a clearly forces smile.

"Well it would be troublesome however you have no sense of teamwork when it comes to the knights. How can we trust you when it may be your refusal that will be our downfall?" Kaeya argued, a smirk of arrogance and a sense of challenge in his eyes.

Blazing fury flashed across Diluc's expression, growling as he glared more fiercely at Kaeya. "Why you―"

"Both of you be quiet."

Alastor snapped, and the two flinched at the tone. He gave them a disappointed stare, and the two men lowered their heads in shame.

"Ehe~ It's always gonna be Al who can handle the brothers." Venti snickered, plopping himself beside Alastor, leaning his head on his shoulder only to miss.

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