"O-Oh? Is there?"

Barok pointed. There was indeed a very exquisite-looking ladder. It held the appearance of a set of carved wooden stairs, complete with railings and a banister, etched with gorgeous detail. Susato walked towards it and mounted the steps.

"This would have helped greatly. I have been in here for quite some time, actually," Susato said.

Barok took hold of the railings and moved the ladder. Susato let out a small sound of surprise and clutched the banister.

"It has wheels," Barok said. "Pray forgive the discourtesy if my demonstration offends." He stopped once he had pulled the ladder close to his body, and leaned against the railings.

Susato leaned against the banister and stared down into Barok's upturned face. "I feel so very tall," she said with a tiny laugh. "Is this how it feels to be a van Zieks?"

"Perhaps you now have some insight into how I feel when speaking with you."

"You do not tower above me quite this much," Susato said.

"Not precisely, no," he said.

"I must say, Lord van Zieks, you look quite different from this angle."

His brow furrowed. "Are you suggesting it is unpleasant to stare down at me in such a fashion? May I remind you, Miss Susato, that I am constantly bending to look at your upturned face."

"It is not unpleasant!...Is it?" Susato said, a sudden rush of self-consciousness overtaking her.

"Nothing about you is displeasing."

They met each other's eyes, smiling warmly at one another. Susato's heart palpitated. This clear view of his face was very pleasing to her, indeed, despite how strange it was to see him from such a height and angle. Susato glanced away, heat coursing through her.

"I suppose I should come down now. Lady Baskerville has waited long enough for her novel," she said.

"Yes. I believe she has."

As she began to walk down the steps, Barok moved forward, blocking her path, and extended his hand in an unnecessary display of chivalry. Susato paused, realising her face was nearly level with Barok's. Her hand hovered over his. Then she slowly drew it back.

Susato had never been so close to him before, so close to his face. She quickly grew captivated by his eyes, taking in the lighter path of greyish-cyan in their depths, observing their colour like never before. So different from anything she had seen before coming to London. So full of his light and life. So beautiful. Susato was utterly breathless. They stared deeply at one another, each taking in the finer details of the other's face. And then their gazes interlocked. Grew hopelessly entangled.

The back of Barok's gloved hand lightly swept across Susato's cheek. Her breath caught, turned shallow. And then he was gently holding her face between both of his hands. She felt herself lean forward, her stare shifting to his lips then back to his eyes. Suddenly he was even closer, so achingly close. His warmth reached for her as his eyelids lowered. He tilted his head, his mouth hovering near hers, his breath falling against her lips. She let out a shaky breath, her lips parting slightly. The scent of his cologne, of musk and soap suffused her senses, and she could taste a hint of warmth and sweetness as she breathed in his exhale. She wanted to know how his lips felt, if they were as soft and warm as his gaze. She closed her eyes, chin tilting upwards. Breathed out against him.

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