Ventured Descent

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In the distance, Balmung barked.

"I will go riding for a spell," Barok said suddenly, and departed from their company.

Lady Baskerville sighed. "We are losing them, dear. They think they are strong enough to handle all this darkness on their own, don't they? Men are such attractive fools."

Susato smiled faintly.

"Do you intend to pursue him?" Lady Baskerville said.

"What?" Susato said, eyes widening.

"You have been learning how to ride, have you not? Or do you feel too unconfident to go chasing him over the hills?" Lady Baskerville said. "Do you know, I can outrace both of them? If I did not have to mind the baby, I would hunt Klint down and make him hold onto me tightly whilst we galloped together romantically across the countryside."

Susato smiled at the thought and stood. "In the meanwhile, let's enjoy those beautiful white roses."

"Yes. A most lovely idea," Lady Baskerville said, and brushed her hand across her stomach gently. "I wonder if you will like the garden too, tiny love."


Tension continued to grip the van Zieks manor. Barok smiled very rarely, and his countenance barely livened around Susato or Lady Baskerville. Around Klint, Barok grew even quieter and more withdrawn, offering only short responses to his older brother.

Klint appeared to be making an effort to speak and act the way he normally did, but a horrible exhaustion hovered over him, darkened the skin beneath his eyes, carved shadows into his face. At times, his eyes looked almost wild, filling with a distress that disappeared with clear concentration and rehearsed composure. His stress was clear, and Barok's distant manner seemed to only worsen his state.

Lady Baskerville appeared rather on edge as well. Susato kept her in quiet company, avoiding weighty topics. They spent a lot of time in the garden, or else Susato sat by her bedside, reading to her with the window open, letting in the soft pattering of rain.


Saturday morning drew up alongside the manor, warm and bright with only a light mist still clinging to the ground. Susato had just finished speaking with one of the servants on Lady Baskerville's behalf, and was wandering a little aimlessly through the manor. Klint was in the study, with the door locked. She heard him pacing as she drifted past. And then she nearly stumbled into Barok. He was in the main entryway, drawing on his hat and slinging a satchel onto his shoulder.

"You are going somewhere, Lord van Zieks?" Susato said, speaking softly.

They had spoken so little recently that she felt a pang of missing him. How much worse it would be when she left. Yet she could not stop herself from reaching for his presence while he was still near enough to delight in.

Barok pivoted to face her fully and bowed. "Good morning, Miss Susato. I will be visiting one of our vineyards today."

"Oh, I see. Forgive me for disturbing you. It seems you are just on your way out."

"Yes, but it is no disturbance," Barok said. He paused, as if considering something, then continued speaking, "Would you care to accompany me? You have been indoors a great deal with Lady Baskerville, have you not? Perhaps it would please you to see more of the countryside."

"Yes!" Susato said, her heart racing. Spending the day with Barok was exactly what she had hoped for.

He smiled at her softly, although his eyes looked tired and troubled. He offered her his arm, and together they left the manor behind.

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