"I'm afraid...that I have no interest in laboratory work whatsoever!" Susato said.

"The one flaw in her beautiful mind," Albert sighed.

"A bit harsh there, Gentlewoman Mikotoba," Gregson said.

"Oh, Susato is always so terribly honest. It's one of the many things that will make her such a good sister," Lady Baskerville said.

Barok choked.

"Now, now, brother. Marriage is not that frightening of a prospect, surely?" Klint said, slapping Barok on the back.

Genshin frowned, a furrow appearing between his brows. He stared at Susato questioningly.

"So you two are engaged!?" Albert said.

"No! Not at all! Lady Baskerville is merely jesting. Absolutely baselessly," Susato said, voice creeping into a nervous octave. She touched her cheek and felt her skin was hot.

"That's too bad. Wouldn't mind havin' you around as a permanent addition," Gregson said.

"Susato will return home eventually. As will I. I will not go forever without seeing my son again," Genshin said firmly.

"Yes," Susato said. "I promised to return home and I have every intention of keeping that promise."

"Speaking of departures! You both will see me off when I take the boat in the morning, won't you?" Albert said.

"Of course, Albert," Barok said.

"Yes, of course," Susato said with a nod. A subdued feeling had begun to afflict her. One she was desperate to purge, so she could enjoy this pleasant evening with her dear friends.

"Well, I'm sure you'll do great in Germany. Everybody's gonna know your name real quick," Gregson said, taking a huge bite of his fish and chips.

"Oh! Have you read some of my student papers?" Albert said, face aglow with excitement.

"Of course not. I meant with that hair of yours, you're sure to get noticed by everyone real fast like," Gregson said.

Albert let out a long sigh. "I can't understand why the general public lacks so much interest in the sciences. They're just so fascinating!"

"As a descendant of a samurai clan, there are a few categories of science that I find worthy of note: the medical sciences and those of fighting. Although, I would claim both a strict art, requiring patience, skill, and resolve," Genshin said with a stoic and gallant air, befitting of the katana at his side.

"Miss Mikotoba is not alone in her painfully straightforward manner, is she?" Klint said.

"I think the sciences are quite fascinating," Lady Baskerville said.

"Lady Baskerville!" Albert said brightly, hope filling his face.

"...to the scientists in Germany," she continued.

Albert slumped.

"Pray forgive the discourtesy if my friends and family see little value in your chosen path, Albert," Barok said. "Regardless of what anyone at this table may think, you have worked hard and have earned your place in such a highly-regarded laboratory. I am certain you will illuminate the scientific community with your insights."

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