(23) Harry... or James

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Wednesday December 15, 1982

It had been over a year since the war ended and Harry moved in with Andy and Remus. It took a while for everyone to get used to. Harry would always ask for his mama and dada and it broke Remus and Andy's hearts every time.

For the first few months after everything happened, Remus was really quiet and Andy caught him drinking in the middle of the day once in a while but he would say everything was okay.

One night when Remus was passed out drunk she took all the alcohol and poured it down the sink. He was extremely angry in the morning but realized that the nine-year-old was being much more mature than he was and apologized. He has been sober ever since.

He had found a job working in a record store. It was like a dream for him and Andy. He would be able to bring home free records for Andy. She now had all of Jimi Hendrix's albums, Paul McCartney's albums, The Who's albums, and many more. It wasn't a lot of pay but it bought them food and clothes. Sirius had paid off the mortgage when they bought the house so Remus didn't have to worry about that.

Harry and Andy became very close and she was starting to teach him to speak full sentences. They would listen to music together a lot and it helped him learn how to speak while he was singing.

Harry loved all of the music as her, but he also loved listening to James's old Beach Boys records. Even though Andy never was a huge fan but she would listen to them all day if it made Harry happy.

Every full moon Mary would come over and watch Harry while Remus and Andy went into the woods to transform.

Harry always wanted to know where they were going and they never told him until last week. Andy had accidentally told Harry even though Remus told her to never tell him. She felt bad that he was always kept in the dark about it.

Tonight was a full moon, the first full moon that Harry actually knew what was going on.

"Bye Harry. We'll be back in the morning," Remus said, lifting Harry up and giving him a hug and kiss.

"Bye-bye Moony. Bye-bye Andy," Harry said, giving them his adorable smile.

"Bye Harry!" Andy said, giving him a hug.

"You know where everything is right Mary?" Remus asked, turning toward Mary.

"Yup!" Mary said. She pulled Remus into a hug and whispered, "good luck, love."

"Thank you, see you in the morning."

Andy and Remus left and walked silently to the woods.


Remus and Andy stumbled into the house the next morning. Remus crashed right on the couch and fell asleep the moment he did. Andy sighed and started to limp to her room.

"Andy?" She heard her name called by a small voice. She turned around and saw Harry standing behind her holding his teddy.

"Morning, Jam- Harry," Andy said, catching herself before calling Harry James. He just looked so much like him it pained her.

"Are you feeling okay?" Harry asked, walking toward her.

"No, not really. But you should go back to bed, it's still early for you," Andy said, starting to turn around.

She heard his little feet tapping the ground as he quickly followed her.

"Can I stay with you?" Harry asked, trying to keep up with her.

"No Harry. Go back to your room," Andy said, slight anger in her voice. She was so tired she just wanted to go to sleep.

"But I want to make sure you're okay!" Harry whined.

"Harry! I said go to bed!" Andy snapped. "Now fuck off!"

Her face immediately softened and realized she just yelled at Harry for wanting to help her.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, Harry. I didn't mean it," Andy apologized and kneeled down next to Harry.

His eyes were filled with tears but he didn't start crying.

"I'm sorry," he whispered quietly. "I'll go back to bed." He started to turn around to go back to his room but Andy pulled him back.

"No, I'm sorry, Harry. I'm just not feeling well and my temper gets bad. Come on," Andy grabbed his hand and brought him back to her room. She put him on her bed and laid down next to him.

"I'm sorry Harry. Thank you for caring," Andy whispered and hugged him. He crawled on her stomach and closed his eyes.

"Feel better, Andy!" Harry whispered as he started to fall asleep. Andy pulled off his glass, exactly like James's and put them on her nightstand.

"Good night, James," she didn't even correct herself as she started to play with his hair and started to drift off to sleep.


Hey everyone,

This was super short but I just wanted to update with something. I'm feeling better (thanks to my best friend). 

Thank you guys for being so supportive. I read all of your comments and you are so sweet! I love you all so much and thank you for being so patient! 

Now, it's almost 2:30 a.m. so I should probably go to bed... <3

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