Apple Picking

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That night all the signs looked at local apple orchards to find one to go to. The closest one was about a 30 minute drive away.

None of the signs could actually drive, but they could all take a bus into the nearby town and just walk to the orchard from there. All of the fire signs agreed that was far too much effort to go through just for apples when they could find them in a store. None of the air signs had any bus cards or money to go so they agreed to stay back with the fire signs.

In the end only the earth and water signs were able to go. They all got permission slips to leave the school and were excited for the picking.

"Thank god Leo isn't here today," Scorpio said out loud to himself.

Cancer glared at him,"Don't be rude behind someone's back." Scorpio just huffed and shrugged his shoulders.

The bus ride had been a very boring one, and the walk was even worse. Everyone survived.

"You all have your five dollars right?" Virgo asked. It cost 15$ per bucket picked, the buckets were large ones at least. The two groups of three were just going to get two buckets for each of them.

Everyone but Pisces said yes. Virgo rolled her eyes as she got out a ten. "Pisces how have you made it this far in life."

"I do not know."

Virgo let out a small laugh before going to pay the farmer and grab the buckets.

"Alrighty, who's taking the buckets?" Virgo asked holding out the buckets. There were no volunteers. "Alright then. Taurus, Scorpio, you're the men of the group. You get to have the job of holding the buckets," and with that Virgo handed both of them a bucket.

"Wait Virgo I'm a guy too." Pisces said confused he wasn't included.

"Yes but I don't think you can carry all of those apples."

"Hey Pisces can be pretty strong," Cancer said sticking up him.

"Cancer, compared to you, everyone is strong. I'm sorry if that's rude, but I've seen you try to open up pickle jars before," Virgo said.

Cancer opened her mouth to say something but closed it after realizing her defeat. She's never opened a pickle jar before.

"Okay with that settled can we get to picking? I'm hungry," Taurus was already on his way to the trees.

Everyone followed after him. There were several types of apple to choose. The group couldn't decide on just one so everyone split up down different rows.

Scorpio and Taurus went together down a row of red deliciy trees. Cancer and Capricorn went down a row of unlabeled apples, the sign in front of the row had been destroyed. Cancer swore she knew what type they were though so she dragged Capricorn with her. Virgo and Pisces picked a row of honey crisps.

In Cancers and Capricorns row the trees were full of apples. No one had bothered touching them.

"See how great this is Capricorn? There's so many apples her to pick!" Cancer already had her hands full of apples.

"Yeah, but where will we put them?" Capricorn said realizing the fact both buckets were with Scorpio and Taurus.

Cancer took a moment to think. Suddenly she had an idea. "Since no one is here, let's just leave them on the ground. We just won't be able to eat any."

"Cancer that's gross."

"Really? They're already unwashed and probably covered in weird stuff. They're gonna get washed anyways. Im putting my apples on the ground," Cancer said finding a good spot under a tree to dump her apples.

Zodiac School of Gifted Children Year 2Where stories live. Discover now