The First Test

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After the wild weekend the signs had none of them were ready to go back to school again. Mondays were the worst days due to the traditional material taught, but at least they only happened once a week. The magic classes were a unique experience, and everyday they only got weirder and more difficult. Which was being proven true on Tuesday.

"Alright everyone today we're putting you all through your first test. The first month of the year is over so we need to test your skills in magical ability," their main magic teacher, Mrs.Reagle explained to them. No one looked too happy to hear the news of a test. These classes were meant to be the easy ones.

"We'll be testing for how much control you have over your power, the actual force of your power compared to it's potential, and also how well you can stop a counter power. We'll be conducting the test in the gym," and with that the class left to the gym.

"Virgo what are you going to do?" Sagittarius asked Virgo as they all walked along. Everyone else going on about how well they could do or how they'll struggle.

"I don't want to think about it," Virgo said, almost with a scowl to her tone.

The walk to the gym was a short one. Inside were several stations. The class got separated into four groups each.

Aries, Taurus, Aquarius, and Pisces were put into one group that got sent to a concrete box.

"In this group we have you all here because your powers could potentially cause incredible damage to the school and those around you," a male teacher explained. He went on to say the box was protected so no magic could actually reach outside the box.

Sagittarius, Scorpio, Cancer, and Leo were grouped together and moved to the largest station. In their station there was a mess of different items, objects, and large open space. This group was for the mixed group, whatever that was supposed to mean.

Gemini, Virgo, Capricorn, and Libra were all sorted into the last group. Their station looked like an ordinary house or office.

The nurse was the teacher for this station. "You all have powers more useful in this specific setting. This is like a support type of group. While that may seem boring it's the most important group because without us all the other groups would eventually crumble if left to stand on their own."

Each group was explained the task at hand, demonstrate their power, before a horn went off signaling the start of the test.

Instantly from the concrete box were loud booms and explosions from various students.

"Holy cow this is terrifying!" Aquarius cried out as kids around started setting off their powers. One kid who was directly next to her burst into a ball of electric energy making her hair stand up.

Aries was on the other side of the box having a blast. "This, is the coolest thing EVER!" He screamed watching kids around him create small volcanoes or even set off a large explosion.

Pisces and Taurus stood in awe backed against a wall. Each sign in the box had instantly forget they were in a test.

Outside in the second group it was almost as chaotic. Trees were growing, a few kids were flying or floating, someone had even dug a tunnel under the floor.

Scorpio immediately went to pick up a nearby boulder with his powers. He was slowly moving it but it took all of his energy exhausting him within seconds. He feel to his knees from how much he over exerted himself.

Cancer rushed over to help him. "Scorpio are you okay?" She asked offering a hand to help him up.

Scorpio was mad and pushed her hand away. For his entire summer he had practiced using his power and this test was going to be his chance to put all his work to use. Cancer knew this and backed away giving him space. Not even Cancer wanted to be around Scorpio when he was in a mood like this.

Zodiac School of Gifted Children Year 2Where stories live. Discover now