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Virgo was now on her 4th day of training with still no luck on finding her power. Nearly everyone else had found their powers. Each day less and less people showed up. On the last day she was there, there were only five other kids. Thankfully she got the weekend off.

"Capricorn, can you handle making dinner tonight? I have all the preparation done I just need you to cook and bake it all," Virgo walked in from her last day of training looking like she was in immense pain.

Capricorn and Taurus had gotten used to seeing Virgo come in looking beat up.

"Of course," Capricorn got up and started cooking the food left out, "Hey Virgo me and Taurus had an idea."

Taurus nodded, "We wanna host a party for the second years. Almost like a slightly late back to school party. It'd be next week, we just wanted to run it by you first."

Virgo slumped onto the couch and took a long pause before answering. "Only if you guys do the majority of the planning," she said with a sigh.

"Yes!" Capricorn and Taurus said in unison, giving each other a fist bump in celebration.

After a short few days of planning and another few days of spreading the word the earth signs, mainly Capricorn and Taurus, were ready to throw a rocking party. Taurus made all the food he could and even got some home made punch, guests would bring any snacks they specifically wanted. Capricorn decorated the whole dorm and even a bit of the outside hall while Virgo sat back for this project.

It was the night of the party and Virgo was getting back from her last day of trials. She had been given the news that her and the other remaining kid would have to go through a more long term process to discover their powers. She felt as if she did all that work for nothing.

"Virgo are you sure you can handle a party right now?" Capricorn asked. Virgo had been sitting completely still on the couch since she got back, which is unusual for her.

"I just need a minute," she whispered back.

Capricorn listened to her and went back to finishing her decorations. There was a knock at the door already. It was all of the other zodiacs coming early to help finish the set up.

"This party is gonna ROCK!" Aries shouted running around wildly.

"Yeah it is!" Gemini said splitting into his twins. Separately he could get more done in a smaller time frame.

While Aries, Gemini and the others were shouting and having fun Virgos head was starting to ache more and more. Instead of being a buzz kill she just took some aspirin and powered through it.

There was no way she was gonna ruin any fun tonight, especially since Capricorn and Taurus worked so hard.

There was more knocking at the door and the first guests arrived. Within minutes the room became packed full of people.

"All snacks can be dropped off on the counter in the kitchen," Taurus said as people filed in. There was way more people than he expected to come.

Capricorn was also amazed at the sheer amount of people showing up. The sun had set all the way now so she turned on the lights which was a fun rainbow light that cycled through several colors. Someone had brought a giant speaker system and set it up so the music was even louder than originally planned.

Aquarius and Sagittarius were being the center of the dance floor while Gemi and Ni were both socializing in different rooms. Aries was shouting nonsensical song lyrics at the top of his lungs while Scorpio, Cancer, and Pisces hung out near the snacks. It seemed like everything was still going smooth even if there was double the amount of people planned for.

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