The Worst Possible Schedule

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Pheceda was in the back row with her group of what she called friends already complaining about the class. Somehow the teacher had already wronged her along with everyone in the room. Alioth was nodding and agreeing with her every step of the way while the others just put up with it.

"Leo!" She beamed as she finally noticed the zodiacs arrival even though they'd been standing in the doorway for a full minute.

She pranced over to Leo and dragged him away to sit in the last chair available in the back.

"Hey Pheceda how are you today?" Leo asked sitting down with a smile. He was happy she wasn't complaining anymore.

To his dismay she started whining again. As each sign passed Leo on the way to their seats, right in front of the Big Dipper gang, they glared at him with differing intensities.

"I thought I hated math before this too," Taurus said with a sigh as he plopped his head on his desk. He hoped he could just sleep through the class and have Capricorn do his work for him, at least enough for him to pass.

The bell rung and the teacher started her introduction. After a long drawn on explanation of the syllabus they got the class finally ended.

The whole time Pheceda, Leo, and the rest of the Big Dipper gang was snickering and gossiping behind the zodiacs. It drove each sign insane but at least it was over.

"Leo what class do you have next?" Pheceda asked.

"History, what about you?"

"Oh, my, god. Me too! This is so great we both have the same classes together," she said with joy but quickly adding on in a snarky remark, "Too bad all your sub par friends have it with you."

"I am not his friend," Scorpio snarled as he shoved past them.

"I second that," Sagittarius said joining Scorpio in pushing past.

History played out in a similar fashion to the way math did. Surely the next class would be better. There's absolutely no way the zodiacs would have to deal with Pheceda for three periods in a row in the early morning.

In reality, it was worse than any of them could ever imagine. Every, single, class, Pheceda was in it. Except for language classes, and gym, Pheceda was in each and every class with the zodiacs. Worst of all, Scorpio, the sign to show the most hate towards her and Leo, was the unlucky fellow to have the same language class and gym class as her.

"Thank god I'm not you," Gemini said at the end of the day talking to Scorpio.

Scorpio was not in the mood for anyone right now. He glared at Gemini and curtly went, "Do not patronize me."

"Hey if it gets that bad you could probably discuss switching classes," Cancer suggested trying to make the mood better. Not even Cancer could show Scorpio the light of this situation.

He sulked for the rest of the walk.

"I just can't believe Leo won't be sitting with us anymore," Aquarius followed up with. Her comment had mixed reactions.

Some were in agreement, like Pisces and even Virgo. But others were completely the opposite, glad he was gone, Aries and Gemini. The others mostly had conflicting views.

Leo was once a good friend and companion but was now dating a total jerk. He wasn't exactly mean to them in anyway, but he still was betraying them by dating Pheceda.

While speaking of the devil, he showed up. Leo came running down a side hall eager to join the group.

"Sup guys just walked Pheceda to her dorm. She's really grumpy today. Can't blame her it is the first day of school after all," Leo said laughing it off. He was dismissing and excusing her sour attitude that went on all day without a break.

That was the breaking point for some of the less patient signs.

"Leo shut up. She's a bitch and you know it," Aries snapped getting ready to start a fight.

"Woah that's kind of harsh man," Leo said getting defensive, "She's not normally that bad I promise."

"Dude we don't care what you promise us anymore. You might as well not be a zodiac anymore. Since you started dating her you've been siding with her all the time. When are you going to see our side Leo?" Gemini piped up joining Aries.

"Guys come on I don't wanna see you fight," Cancer tried to mediate. She was stopped by Pisces who put a hand on her shoulder. It was useless to try and stop this fight.

"I know Pheceda can be mean but give her a chance. Look at it from my side guys," Leo pleaded.

This struck a nerve with the two signs ready to fight. You could see a glow about Aries as he was getting angrier with each word Leo spoke. Gemini split into the twins and the three of them slowly approached Leo.

"Do not beat up Leo you idiots," Virgo said not wanting to have to explain to anyone why Leo, Aries, and Gemini got into a fight.

"Yeah listen to Virgo guys. No fighting on school grounds," Leo was screwed at this point.

"Great time for a snack," Taurus quietly whispered as he pulled out a packet of fruit gummies. Only Capricorn heard and she gave him a light smack because he was being so immature.

Aquarius closed her eyes not wanting to see what was going to happen. Cancer joined her, and the rest watched on.

Aries hand burst into a red hot flame. Gemi and Ni both went in and grabbed Leo by the legs. He was really stuck and pinned now.

"Oh shi-" Leo was cut off before he could finish. He saw the fiery glow in Aries eyes as he pulled his fist back.

With a single loud smack the entire world went silent it seemed. Leo was completely knocked out and had a burn mark on his cheek now.

Aries ran off in a fit of rage to the dorms. Sagittarius went after him to make sure he didn't destroy the dorm.

Pisces, Cancer, Virgo, and Aquarius rushed over to Leo to make sure he was okay. Gemi and Ni formed back into Gemini again.

After a quick examination it was found that Leo was okay. He had minor burns on his cheek and a possible concussion but nothing serious.

Pisces and Aquarius were going to take him to the nurse so he could be treated. Everyone else went to the dorms to cool off.

The first day of classes did not go over smoothly.


Hey y'all. I been so busy lately my goodness. I've had to take take two exams so far(and one on Wednesday) along with all my school work. I have not had time to write in a while so it's nice getting back into a chapter. Up above is Taurus(the shading is a bit weird on this one). Also I just wanna put a PSA to stop yelling at me to update. These comments have been a consistent theme on my books since 2018-2019 ish. I can't remember when they started. Clearly it hasn't worked, as it's now 2021 and here I still am. Hopefully y'all will understand. Anyways have a good day or night my lovely readers.


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