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"Morning everyone, welcome to your first official day of classes,' Mr.Riclon greeted them as they all arrived.

"Yooooo! We got you guys seats!" Gemini yelled from the back of the room. The air signs had already arrived.

The zodiac group took up the entire back row. The bell was ringing so everyone needed to get in their seats. The room was pretty much full except one missing seat in the front.

Mr.Riclon dimmed the lights and pulled out an old fashioned projector. It was one of those that was all yellowed and you needed to have physical papers to put under it for it to project anything. For such a magical school you'd imagine they'd have impressive projectors in the classes.

"It's nice to see some familiar faces," he started, "This is homeroom so not much will ever happen except attendence, announcements, and other general questions about events in the school. For the first day we'll do the basics of introductions and a run down of how this year will work. I'm sure you're all wondering how Tuesday through Friday will look."

"God not more introductions," Capricorn said to herself remembering last year's introductions.

Due to the fact the zodiacs sat in the back they went last. The class was mostly full of minor stars and constellations but they all seemed like a lively group, especially the front row of stars from the Andromeda galaxy.

It was the zodiacs turn. This year, everything went perfect. At the end Aquarius gave a subtle thumbs up to Capricorn to which Capricorn gave a slight nod of approval and appreciation.

"Okay good now that that's over it's time for magic classes," Virgo raised her hand, "Questions at the end."

He slid the first paper in. It was a bad looking diagram copied from an old textbook. "So this diagram is showing you what a core is. A core is basically magic essence and god it's so unbelievably boring and complicated. It's basically why we have powers and why others might be stronger than others. I can't be bothered to explain it further but if you wanna know more you can take an extra curricular next year on it," Virgo seemed to be judging Mr.Riclon that whole time.

He changed the slide, "Now this is a list of magical attributes we're gonna work on," the list was barely readable.

"Finding out what your powers are and how to control them is the most important goal of this year. No matter what we need to know your powers and which category they fall under. The categories are a vast and complicated system which you'll hear more about on Tuesday during your first magic research day," Mr.Riclons explanation went on for the rest of the period.

All he did was go over the magic courses and give a brief summary on them. He finished and finally questions could be asked.

Virgo was of course the first to ask a question, she didn't even raise her hand. "Mr.Riclon what about the core classes on Monday. How are we meant to learn all of science, history, and more when we only have one class a week."

Mr.Riclon let out a groan, "Virgo those aren't nearly as important for you okay, but to answer your question you have an intense amount of homework in them because the magic classes have no homework," The rest of the class groaned after hearing that. There was lots of unhappy grumbling all around.

The next person to ask a question was a small star kid in the front row, "So, uh, what if you haven't found your powers yet? A lot of the classes you mentioned required you to know your powers."

"Ah yes I knew I forgot something! For those of you that haven't found your powers on the weekends you'll have to take an two hours of classes to help you find them. It's actually very fun because it's mainly field trips to help you find specific powers," and right as Mr.Riclon finished explaining the bell rung dismissing class.

Everyone got up and started heading out. Before leaving Mr.Riclon stopped the zodiac gang. "Hey kids how you doing?" He asked.

"Tired," Taurus quipped not stopping and heading out Capricorn following behind.

"Really excited for the magic classes," Pisces said with a gleam in his eyes. The rest of the signs nodded in agreement. 

"That's good, alright kiddos head off to the next class what do you have anyways?"

"Ugh math." Aries grumbled suddenly changing mood as he remembered his hatred for numbers.

"Ha good luck then!" Mr.Riclon waved to the signs as they headed out to first period.

"It can't be that bad; you know I tutor half of you anyways," Virgo was telling Aries as they continued on.

"Yeah sure I still failed last year," Libra piped in. Both her and Aries were the two worst signs at math. Neither of them could wrap their heads around the concepts.

"It's because you're both stupid; you just plug in numbers to formulas," Scorpio said rolling his eyes. Scorpio and Virgo were the two math nerds of the group.

"Shut up Scorpio, no one asked." Aries told him. Thankfully they got to class before a fight could break out.

The reason they didn't fight in class was because they were totally distracted by the worst sound in the whole world.

Phecda's complaints. The only sign to be happy by that sound was Leo, but even he seemed to be disheartened by the complaining.

"Virgo, it just got that bad."


Sup losers I'm back. Up above is the updated headshot of Aries. Finding photos to represent the signs is too much of a hassle especially when I can draw it myself. He's meant to look a bit older but hey it's good enough. I can't be bothered to change anything it's 1:30am I ain't  got enough energy for that. Anyways hope y'all have a good night/ day. 👍


Zodiac School of Gifted Children Year 2Where stories live. Discover now