Chapter 11- GG ISSUE NO. 20, PG 15: Princesses of Gotham

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Part 2/4 of the Interviews

Our second interview is with the stunning and passionate Jazlyn Todd, who we all know and admire for being the inspiration behind Arista Cartel-Moore's latest collection "Rotten Princess". 

Many fans have been wondering why she's never done an interview even though rumors are going around that her attitude is something to behold. 

She's also the youngest person to have a best-selling novel out right now called "Damsel, No Distress". 

She also has a cookbook (published by Wayne Entertainment) called "Delicious Inspirations" being released next week.

So everyone, here it is...

The highly anticipated Jazlyn Todd interview with our editor-in-chief, Kitara Golds.

Golds: Thanks for doing this interview. I greatly appreciate it, Ms. Todd.

Jazlyn: No problem. I needed a break from being at home anyway.

Golds: Well, I'm happy to provide an activity for you. What would you say is your biggest pet peeve?

Jazlyn: When people think because I am a female I cannot and will not kick some ass if necessary. Plain and simple.

Golds: I mean, you gotta do what you have to do. Speaking of people, who would you say in your household is the messiest person?

Jazlyn: I'd say my little baby boy and his big sister Lian. Lian loves tamales and enchiladas so she gets super messy. Her little brother just loves eating in general and it gets everywhere.

Golds: Aww, so cute! How old is your son? I notice everyone loves when you post pictures of him, especially at bath time. Would you say he's an inspiration behind most of your drive?

Jazlyn: Yeah. My family, in general, can be pretty supportive. But there's a fine line between supportive and highly annoying that is being crossed daily. I have to take breaks from being at the manor now or I'll lose my sanity.

Golds: Well, it's sweet that they care so much! Would you say you enjoy your celebrity status or prefer not to be recognized everywhere you go?

Jazlyn: There are pros and cons to both. I'd say being slightly famous is good enough for me. I don't need a red carpet rolled out for me at Walmart. Sometimes I like to get in and get out without the paps.

Golds: That's true especially on bad days. If you could recommend one place your fans have to get food at, where would you send them?

Jazlyn: Besides Alfred's dinner table? Probably HuHot. It's a Mongolian grill joint. Kind of like making your own noodle bowl thing. I love that shit.

Golds: Sounds so good right now! Another thing, I've noticed you love reading in your spare time. Who is your favorite fictional character? It can be from a book or cartoon.

Jazlyn: I'd say lately Robert Downey Jr's version of Sherlock Holmes is pretty good. I like the way he portrays him as calm but still crazy.

Golds: What would you say is your useless talent?

Jazlyn: The ability to evade Richelle and somehow still get hugged to death. I need to work on it ASAP.

Golds: Haha, sisters. Gotta love'em. What would you say is your best purchase and worst purchase as a teenager?

Jazlyn: Best purchase would be earplugs. The worst would be those stupid see-through plastic cups! I always get them dirty and never wanna wash them out so they get gross or they crack and I end up chucking them in the trash.

Golds: What would you say is your theme song for your life right now?

Jazlyn: Hmm....Throw A Fit by Tinashe. I love to sing it in the shower.

Golds: Oh, I love that song! It's so lit. Lastly, best childhood memory with anyone in your family?

Jazlyn: Oh, I would say when I was giving birth to my son and my entire family was freaking out about how calm I was. I have a high pain tolerance so I wasn't really in that much pain. It did hurt but I wasn't losing my mind or anything like that. Just don't ask any of my sisters or old man about it. The doctor said it went down as one of the craziest moments in the nursery.

Golds: Thank you so much again for letting me interview you!

Jazlyn: You're welcome.

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