The End of the Line (Stucky)

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***TW: Character death***

Thick, heavy coughs ripped through a small Steve Rogers in the winter of 1936. It was right after his mother, Sarah, had died. Steve had reluctantly agreed to move in with his older best friend, Bucky Barnes.

Steve was laying in bed, coughing more and more with each passing second. Bucky had Steve's inhaler, cough medicine, a thermometer, and a damp rag all nearby as well as a pile of blankets for the younger man.

Bucky helped Steve sit up and rubbed his back, waiting until the coughs subsided to offer the medicine. Once Steve swallowed the cough syrup, Bucky mustered a small smile. He was more than worried. This year's bout of pneumonia was the worst Steve had ever gone through. The grief had only made it worse.

"C'mon pal, lay down and I'll tell you a story, alright?" Bucky offered softly, a small smile plastered to his features. Steve nodded silently and laid down. He bundled up in layers of thick blankets and listened to Bucky as he began.

"Once... There were two boys who lived together. They were best friends, the best pals in the world. One was tall and brunette, the other was short and blonde." Bucky spoke softly, running his fingers through the small blonde's hair. Bucky continued,

"The taller boy's small friend was prone to sickness. And, well, one year... He got really worried because the sickness was very very bad." Bucky's voice cracked a little but he kept a small smile on his face.

"Now, the taller friend loved his small friend but hadn't told the small friend his feelings yet. He figured now was as good a time as any." Bucky was wrapped up in what he was about to say, not noticing that Steve's chest was rising and falling more shallowly each time he took a breath.

"So, sitting by his small friend's bedside, the taller friend decided to tell his small friend that, well.... He loved him- I love you, Steve, I love yo-" He looked over at the blonde who was now laying deathly still in the bed. The rising and falling had stopped. The small wheezes of breath had stopped. Bucky's heart dropped.

"Steve?" He shook the blonde's small frame gently.

"Steve- Steve wake up, c'mon pal... Wake up... please..." Bucky's voice cracked with emotion. Steve didn't move, his skin had gone pale and cold to the touch. Bucky felt a sob rip through his throat. He let his head drop, resting his forehead on Steve's chest.

"No.. No no no... I promised... I promised Sarah I'd protect you... Wake up.. Steve please.." He sobbed into Steve's deathly still chest.

"I'm with you... 'til the end of the line.." He whimpered into Steve's chest, unable to speak anymore through the sobs escaping him as the darkness of the night wrapped the two up in a cold blanket of death, grief, and despair.

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