Identity (Bucky)

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Identity. That was always something that he struggled with, more-so now than ever before. He didn't even recognize himself in the mirror. He was thrown into the back of an SUV, mind foggy, blindly following orders. He grabbed a tommy gun and shot. He didn't care who he hit. Wait, yes he did. No, he didn't, he was following orders. He tried desperately to stop, all he wanted to do was stop. He couldn't stop, as hard as he tried.

He jumped down and looked for the blonde man. Where would the blonde man be? He scanned every area until he saw the blonde man. He's a little familiar.... Why? It doesn't matter, he was his mission. He launched into hand on hand combat with the blonde, trying to get a good look of his face. He tried to slow down- ugh, he couldn't get a good look of his face. His mask flew off and now he was staring at the blonde, able to speak. Bucky? Bucky... Who the hell is Bucky? Wait-

"Who the hell is Bucky?" He spoke gruffly before the helicopters and agents surrounded the two. He ran.

He sat in the torture device, confused. Bucky... That sounded so familiar. Bucky, Bucky, Bucky- It doesn't matter. He wasn't Bucky. Or was he-? No. He wasn't. He needed to focus on the mission. Only the mission, the mission- the mission... The blonde man. He was familiar too- No. He wasn't. Yes, he was, he was very familiar- No. He was just familiar because he'd seen him before on another mission. That's it.

On the heli-carrier, he saw the blonde man again. He attacked. He was finishing his mission, punch after punch, even though his body was filled with pure agony. He watched the blonde man dying in front of him, not letting up. He didn't want to hurt him- He was his mission- He didn't want to hurt anyone- He was his mission- He didn't care if the blonde was his mission, he didn't want to-

"'Cause I'm with you... 'til the end of the line..." The blonde choked out, interrupting the soldier's thoughts. He stopped punching. He stopped arguing with himself. He was suddenly able to control his movements. The blonde soon slipped from his grasp, falling down towards the water. He followed. Bucky, that's right. Bucky followed and soon dragged the blonde out of the water. Bucky... The name was kind of growing on him.

Not long after he-... Bucky... went into hiding, the blonde man and his friend found him again. They took him back to a place. A place full of agents. Bucky didn't like this. He didn't like this one bit. They threw him in a cell because they deemed Bucky as dangerous. He tried to explain to them he wasn't dangerous- Bucky wasn't dangerous- yes, he was, he killed all of those people- no, he wasn't, he didn't want to hurt anyone he couldn't stop it- He'd hurt people again- no, he wouldn't- yes, he's going to hurt people again. Stop- stop stop stop- please, for the love of god stop!!

Silence. That is what filled his-... Bucky's... cell. Silence. He tried to remind himself of his name. His mind was foggy- sorry- Bucky's mind was foggy, it was hard to remember anything and even when he did, he couldn't tell what was real and what was made up. He sat in the corner of his cell most days, knees up, head hanging between his knees, silent. He wouldn't dare speak. If he spoke he'd get punished again. The pain- oh, god, the pain.. No speaking. That would work... No speaking unless spoken to first. 

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