Ferris Wheel (40s Stucky)

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It's no secret that Steven Grant Rogers was one of the smallest, sickly boys in Brooklyn. It's also no secret that James Buchanan Barnes took care of him every single time. This bout of pneumonia was the worst that Steve had ever gone through. Bucky stayed by his side, refusing to leave. He reassured the small man over and over because,

"Don't you dare make me find out what it feels like to be without you."

The small blonde could barely speak. The few words he could ask the taller brunette were,

"Buck, can you tell me a story?-"

The blonde was cut off by Bucky speaking,

"Shht shht, yes I'll tell you a story. Just save your strength, Stevie."

Bucky smiled warmly at his small boyfriend in bed.

"Alright... Once upon a time, there were two boys who lived in a city called... Brooklyn."

Bucky started, a smile dancing on his face. Steve smiled weakly, staying awake for the story his boyfriend was telling him.

"One of the boys was tall and had brown hair, the other boy was small, perfect, blonde, and had big round blue eyes."

Bucky began to stroke Steve's hair gently, running his hand through the small man's hair.

"One day, the tall brunette friend took his small blonde friend to a place called Coney Island. He made his small friend ride the ferris wheel to conquer his fear of heights, so they went and waited in line."

Steve sniffled and coughed a little, Bucky's attention drawn to him immediately. He dabbed a damp cloth on Steve's head and gave him some water. Once the coughing subsided, Bucky continued.

"When the two friends got on the ferris wheel, they got stuck at the very tippy top. The brunette friend knew it was scary for his small blonde angel, so he did something to distract his friend. He looked over and took his small face in his hands."

Steve smiled weakly and spoke up,

"What did he do ne-"

"Hush hush, or I won't finish the story"

Steve closed his mouth and listened to Bucky intently.

"The taller friend held his small friend's tiny face and whispered, 'I love you' before placing a gentle kiss on his friend's lips. He was scared that his friend wouldn't feel the same way, but as soon as he felt the small sweet lips kiss him back, his heart melted. He knew he had found the love of his life."

Bucky looked over to the small blonde angel sick in bed. Steve had fallen asleep, a small smile on his face, the coughing gone for the moment. Bucky knew how difficult it was to get Steve to sleep while sick, so this was a big deal to him. He tucked Steve in more to make sure he stayed warm and placed a gentle kiss on the blonde's forehead.

"Sleep well, my love."

He whispered gently.

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