Little League (40s Platonic Stucky)

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At the ages of 12 and 13, a small Barnes and Rogers joined little league. Steve was reluctant to join, seeing as he had asthma and wasn't athletically inclined. But, seeing Bucky join just made him want to join all the more. After all, they hadn't met too long ago and Steve could tell he wanted to be close to the brunette.

Practices were brutal on the small blonde. The entire team, except for Barnes of course, hated him because he was the weakest player by far. They had put Steve in the outfield and, most of the time, he was too busy daydreaming of his next art project or watching Bucky to be able to catch the ball. He was definitely the weakest when it came to hitting the ball as well.

Bucky, on the other hand, was strong with his athletic abilities. Bucky was the star pitcher of their team and the best with a bat. He was, of course, Steve's biggest cheerleader.

The biggest game of the season came around that year and Steve was more than nervous. Two of their team members were out for the rest of the season which meant Steve would be up to bat and out in the field. He was more than nervous for how he would do and how the other team members would treat him after.

The game went on and Bucky had gotten their team 3 home runs. Steve cheered for the brunette, happy to see him do so well. It was their turn in the field, Steve stood in the outfield daydreaming as always, when the ball hit him smack in the eye. He fell to the ground, covering his eye. The other team members went on with the game. Well, all of them except for Bucky who ran over and slid to his knees by Steve.

"Stevie! Are you okay?" He asked quickly, helping the small blonde up. Steve nodded, holding back the tears that threatened to roll down his cheeks. He brushed himself off and gave a reassuring nod to Bucky.

Soon, it was time for their team to bat. It was the last inning, or would be. Bucky was up to bat. He hit a homerun, naturally. He ran the bases, the crowd cheered for him. All they needed was one more run. Steve came up to bat, the bases were loaded. He knew he would probably get them another out, but he tried his best. He held the bat. The only person cheering was Bucky who was cheering rather loudly.

"Whoo!! Go Steve!" Bucky yelled from the pit. He was excited for his small blonde friend. Steve felt a small smile appear on his face. He saw the ball barreling towards him. He swung the bat, eyes closed. Everything was deathly still and silent for a moment until he heard the crowd erupt in cheers and whistles. Steve opened his eyes. He'd gotten a homerun. All 3 people on the bases ran, Steve ran behind them. He came back around to home base, earning the team 4 more runs, making them win the game.

Bucky ran up to the small blonde and hoisted him up on his shoulders. He smiled wide and cheered.

"Let's hear it for Steve Rogers!" He called out. The team, for once, started cheering. They chanted Steve's name. For once, he felt at home and loved by his entire team, but more so Bucky than anyone else.

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