Chapter 15

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TW! Blood
Wilburs POV
I wake up to hearing rain pouring outside. It didn't strike to me as weird at first, until I remembered it didn't rain in Las Nevadas. it "snowed."

"baby, look at this. isn't it-" I say, trying to wake up Quackity, but see that he isn't here. I'm alone in here.

"okay, this is strange." I say to myself. no Quackity, it's raining, what else could happen?

as if on cue, I hear a smash in the other room. worried, I get up quickly and dash towards the noise. I think it came from the kitchen, so thats where I go.

when I'm there, all there is is broken glass. shards are scattered over the floor by the sink. I can't really tell what caused it though. looking at the sink, I see some blood. ignoring the glass, I walk over to the blood, inspecting it.

there's a trail, which obviously means I should follow. I follow the trail of blood, walking on the glass to outside. it's not raining anymore, but the sky is deep red.

"what the-?"

something explodes and I see that it was the tower, one of the legs had just blown up. that bomb must've been linked to others because soon more explosions arise around the country. ash and smoke fill the air.

I see the members running, trying to make it to safety. I see Punz and Foolish carrying a bloody Sam away from Las Nevadas. I see my son, Fundy, running behind Slime, shield up and sword out. they all seem to be looking for something, or hopefully not someone.

then I remember, I haven't seen Quackity yet. and the blood from a moment ago. I boom it towards the casino and break in the doors. when I'm in, everything's on fire and coming down. the smoke in the building is thick, making it difficult to breath. I pull up my shirt over my nose and push through, trying to get to the roof.

when I'm finally there, I see Tommy, bruised but safe.

"oh thank goodness!" I say out loud and kneel next to him. he doesn't move, he's alive but he seems so dead.

"Ah, Wilbur. glad your here!" I hear a voice say. I look up and see it's none other than Dream. he looks fresh and clean, scarred and jagged clothing, but washed up.

"your just in time! there's one last thing I needed to do before we really got started." Dream vaguely explained.

"what? was it destroy Las Nevadas? this wasn't the agreement-"

"Las Nevadas is fine Wilbur."

"NO its-"

"then let it happen."

"what?" I'm so confused as to what's going on. how can so much happen in so little time? how did I miss it?

"WIL!" I hear my lover shout. my eye dart towards him, and he's authentic edge of the roof, next to a blood covered Technoblade.

"QUACKITY-" I try getting to hum but Dream blocks me.

"he'll be fine. this is just his final payment before we begin." Dream tries reassuring me. my eyes are darting around for ways to help my lover but they stop when I see a bloodied, golden wing on the ground. it clicks. the wing was Technos payment; blood.

but I still don't know what Dreams payment is. but something tells me I'm not gonna like it. I look to Dream and suddenly his mask is on, the eyes glowing a bright eery green. he then nods slowly towards Techno. Techno nods back and grabs Quackitys shirt.

"NO WAIT! PLEASE! WILBUR HELP ME! NO! NO PLEASE!" Quackity screams as he starts sobbing, gripping Technos wrist. "I'M ON MY LAST LIFE! DON'T! WILBUR!"

Everything's moves in slow motion. everything's quiet. all I hear is a train. I shove Dream and try to save Quackity. every step I take the train gets louder.

and louder.

and louder.

the only other sound I hear is Quackitys screaming as he falls. I reach my hand out but am too far away to reach.

all I hear is the train.

I lay there for who knows how long. long enough where the sky is almost blue again and the fires gone. everyone's gone.

"babe? what's wrong?" I hear a voice whom I never thought I'd hear again. I turn my head quickly and see Quackity. he has his normal attire, but a large blue cardiagn thrown over. the hair framing his face is now pure white.

the fresh air blows last us and I realize we are in a random field.

"Whats going on? what happened? you were just-"

"I know baby. it's over now. no need to worry."

"but I just saw you- Las Nevadas- Dream-"

"it's mostly you worrying. Dream wouldn't take my last life and kill me."


"he's right Wilbur." I hear Dream say. I turn to him. most of his hair is streaked gray and his mask is pushed to the side of his face, showing off his facial scars. he still looks young though, so the hair isn't from age.

"I wouldn't take both things. but he does owe me. call me petty, but prison changed me a little. you know how a prison can be, Wilbur."

"are you-"

"YEAH! Through your dreams! ironic! I do something similar with Ranboo! I don't know how exactly, but I have a bit of a grasp at it." so this is a dream after all. "I don't control anything though, just myself."

"so then, what about back at Las Nevadas? why was it destroyed? why did you do that to Quackity?"

"those are just possibilities. who's to say any of those will actually happen?" I stand up and take dream Quackitys hand. he looks tired, but happier.

"so this is a possibility too?" I ask Dream, referring to this version of Quackity.

"Yes, and a likely one. considering we don't fail. Wilbur, I'm running out of time. I hope to see you soon." Everything around me starts fading, including Dream and Quackity.

I don't even have most my questions answered yet.

"wait!" I call out, sitting up in bed.

I'm awake, and still in Quackitys room. I am alone though. that part freaks me out and I run out to the kitchen, everything's fine.

I see the date out of the corner of my eye on a clock, it's the day of Quackitys and I's date. and I basically slept the whole day away. it's like 4 in the afternoon! God damnit!

I'm so pissed at myself for a moment but remember our date was actually at like 8 or something. I let out a sigh and walk out of of house. I don't even care about getting caught, nobody would be around here anyways so I'm not too worried.

the next few moments are peaceful, quiet. I think of the next chapter of my life and how at any moment it can start.

I can finally have the control I need. finally thank Dream for what he has done for me.. finally be with Q properly.

I feel a breeze go by and the wind picks up my hair. it flows by and I take a deep beath and let it out.

I then hear a sound echo from the distance. I've never heard it before. could it be the prison...

holy shit.


I laugh an excited laugh out and celebrate.


He is finally free.

it's finally time.

Don't tell Anyone - QuackburМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя