Chapter 5

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TW! NSFW! Cigarettes
Wilburs POV
it has been about a week since Ranboo had delivered the book to us. we finalized our plan and settled with the one I came up with, the sending Techno to prison for an amount of time, one.

and we are also dealing with Tommy, we are making sure we being extra careful.

I've seen him around once or twice near the van. everytime I'd catch him and he'd say he's just visiting from Las Nevadas, telling me about how he's been putting good word in.

I know this is a lie because I have a primary source. it seems he's trying to do his sabbatoge act for Quackity but I'm making sure he doesn't succeed for time.

everyday this week sucked, it was wash rinse and repeat.

wake up, run over here, run the van, keep Tommy in check, pass the day, go see Quackity.

but I can barely do the last thing now. sometimes I have to stay here because Tommy. he's really pissing me off.

"Wilbur! listen, I think I may have a way to set you and Big Q up. you have to hear me out though." my little brother said.

"fine. I'm all ears." I roll my eyes.

"Okay, we go over there. I'll go first though. I'm gonna talk to Q for a bit and then you show up and..." he continues talking but I ignore him. I know what he's gonna say anyways, he's predictable like that.

as I'm zoning out I actually think of his plan, it would be a good excuse to see Quackity during the day, and we have a cover story.

it may actually be fun.

"so what do you think?" Tommy finishes. I look at him as if I'm debating my answer, when its obviously going to be yes.

"yah, sure. let's go see that prick."

Tommy smirks and makes way to Las Nevadas. I pull my communicator out and whisper to Quackity.

Wilbur: tommys on his way

Quackity: ok thats fine

Wilbur: ok, ill see u soon then

Quackity: what???

Quackity: wil????

I put my communicator away with with smirk on my face and slowly follow behind Tommy, a significant distance between us, so that it's doesn't seem we are going together.

we then reach Las Nevadas.

Tommy sees Quackity by the tower and goes over to him, saying stuff I can't hear and he waves me over. I listen and Quackity is giving his best annoyed expression, when he is very much happy to see me.

"So here's the plan boys," Tommy starts. "You two have a little chat and I will stay out your way! this way you can be yourselves and not pretend you hate eachother." Tommy winks at me and punches my arm softly before running off.

"WAIT! TOMMY!" I try calling out, but not really hoping to get his attention.

"sigh, I can't believe I have to spend time with your annoying ass." Quackity says sarcastically.

"same, I don't want to have alone time with a prick like you."

we go back and forth sarcastically complaining about the situation.

"this actually isn't for us to 'get along' you know..." Quackity starts. "it's was to get you away from the van so Tommy can sabbatoge a few things." he says and starts laughing at me.

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