Chapter 14

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CW! Nudity
Quackitys POV
I'm sitting on Wilburs, arms wrapped around him and my head in the crook of his neck. his hands are on my thighs as his thumbs go in circular motions.

he hums some random tune I kinda recconize but can't quite remember what is was.

"what are you humming?"

"the old L'manburg song."

I let out a little laugh and snuggle into him more. I hope nothing interrupts us this time. this is nice.

I move my hands to his hair and start combing my fingers through. he plants light kisses on my forehead. I let out a sigh, content with this moment. I peck his lips a couple of times and he giggles.

"my love~" I say to him.

"my sunrise~" he says back to me. this gets me flustered and I hide in his neck.

"I wanna stay here forever..." I say in his neck.

"me too. nothing can ruin this moment, I don't think." I nod slowly and feel ready to close my eyes.

"Quackity from Las Nevadas! Wilbur from L'manburg!" Slime suddenly appears.

we both yelp in surprise. I fall to the floor and grab Wilburs coat and put it on, it's too big obviously but it covers me. Wilbur hides behind me as the Slime stands infront of my desk. my face is burning red from both embarrassment and anger.

"SLIME! h-how long have you been here?" I ask, panicked. I was so much happier 5 seconds ago.

"since Tommy from Las Nevadas!" my jaw drops. he just watched me and Wilbur-

"did you fucking watch us?!" Wilbur interrupts.

"Yes! I'm a spy! dap me up!" Slime reaches his hand out to Wilbur and Wilbur swats his hand away.

"Slime! you can't watch people when they... when they're naked! it's creepy! and really bad!" I try explaining to him. he keeps still, smiled glued to his face.

"but you said to watch-"

"watch other people who are clothed! if they're naked look away!" I keep trying to explain.

"I spied on Wilbur like you asked!"

"like you what?" Wilbur asks me. he seems upset I sent Slime to "spy" on him.

"Ugh! Slime! I said to watch him to make sure he's safe! not to fucking spy on him!" My voice raises a little bit. Wilbur aw's at the fact that I sent Slime to make sure he's safe, which is kinda cheesey but whatever. that's the least of my problems right now.

"listen Slime... thing. don't watch us. especially nude. say something or fucking leave the room!" Wilbur speaks up. you can hear it in his voice he's very angry and embarrassed. as much as I want to be mad though, I'm definitely more embarrassed.

"sorry Wilbur from L'manburg, but I only listen to Quackity."

"not anymore. you take orders from both of us. mainly me but still. Wilbur has authority here Slime. and he's right. leave the room or say something." I butt in. "Now leave, I can't look at you right now.." I say and shove my face into my hands.

Slime doesn't say anything and goops out. I let out a heavy sigh and hide under my desk. Wilbur stays where he is for a moment and starts laughing.

"Whats so fucking funny?"

"this! HAHA! the whole damn thing! HAHAHA!" Wil laughs at the situation, but j don't think he finds it funny. he's trying to keep his cool.

I scoff and throw his shirt at him. I crawl under my desk and feel ready to die. as embarrassing as that was, I don't think Slime exactly understands what about it weird, so it's not as bad. I still feel creeped out.

Wil crawls under the desk next to me, still nude.

"I don't wanna see your dick, put your clothes back on." I say, looking away from him. the brunette only hums and lays his head in my lap. I roll my eyes and start combing my hands through his hair again.

"what an eventful day, huh Love?" Wilbur says.

"yeah. I have to go to the prison soon too. check up on things. say hi to Dream." I look down at Wils face and sees he's definitely not happy about me seeing Dream.

though I don't really like Dream, Wilbur really likes him. he's happy he's been revived and that's because of Dream. so the whole torture thing is a subject Wilbur does not like.

"do you have to? you can stay with me~" Wil sing-songs, trying to get me to stay. I let out a laugh and shove his shirt in his face as I get up.

I start dressing myself, pulling up my pants and clipping on my suspenders. I reach down to pick up my discarded shirt and put it on quickly.

Wil copies my actions by putting on his clothes. he finishes a little quicker because he doesn't have to look as neat as me. when he's dressed with the exception of his coat, he helps me button up my shirt.

"I'm not five Wil, I know how to button a damn shirt." I protest.

"a little help never hurt anyone." he says as he rolls his eyes. I don't argue anymore and let him button my shirt as I fix my tie.

when I'm fully dressed and ready to leave, I walk out of the office with Wilbur tailing behind me. it's a little funny because he's basically hiding behind me but he is significantly taller.

we make it to the front of the casino and say our goodbyes.

"I'll see you later." I say. we stand there for a moment and without thinking, I kiss his cheek goodbye and bolt head on to the prison.

I don't look back because I knew I would have wanted to stay. I do not feel like going to the Vault at all today. I'm tired, exhausted, sleep deprived, did I mention that I'm tired? I'm making this a quick visit, I want to go home right away.

when I'm at the prison, finally, I don't do much. I obviously greet Sam, go in, talk to Dream and Techno, shed some of Dreams blood, and I'm out of there.

it's about 10 when I'm finally home. I go straight to my room to see my boyfriend sprawled out on the bed with a note in his hand.

I laugh at the sight of him and get changed into something more comfortable. I throw on a pair of sweat pants and don't bother with a shirt, deciding to let my wings out.

I crawl into bed next to Wil, he seems to be long gone and in a deep sleep. I remember the note that he had in his hands and gently take it from him.

I know its nosey but it could be important. I unfold it slightly and see that it's addressed to me. so technically it isn't that nosey if I'm gonna read it anyways. I unfold it completely and silently read the note.

My Love.
When we have it all, you shall have it all.
My Love.
When all was dark you became light.
Your the spark in the mist of night.
My Love, you are my sunrise.
Let us take this new chapter of our lives.
My unfinished symphony is completed as we.
I've never experienced a feeling like this.
My Love, I'd do anything to protect it,

I re-read the poem a few more times. as corny as it was, it was actually kinda cute. at the bottom its signed Wilbur Soot pretty cursive signature. it looks like an old letter.

I suddenly feel a pair of arms wrap around me, and look over to see that it was obviously Wilbur.

"mmm.. what are you doing..?" he mumbles.

"I'm sorry, did I wake you?"

"Yes, but don't be sorry." he says as he kisses my cheek and starts stroking my wings gently. I hum at the gesture and show him the note.

"fuck... I was gonna give it to you for our little date.."

"awww.. Wilbur, you have a wittle crush on meee?" I tease. he scoffs and hides in my shoulder. I hear him let out a little "yes." and I giggle.

I push him down on the bed so he's laying on his back and lay next to him. "Sleep." I command and he listens. his eyes flutter shut and I scoot closer to him, snuggling in. I hum in content and let sleep take me over.

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