Chapter 13

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Wilburs POV
I'm in Quackitys office after Tommy left, crying into my hands. I'm just so, I don't know, upset over Tommy.

how come he trusts Quackity more than me? we're family! but he will barely look at me now and I feel like I'm on the platform once again.

"Babe?" I hear Quackity ask. I look up to him, tears gently falling down my face. a chocked sob is all I let out as a response and I cry a little harder.

his eyebrows furrow and worry and he walks over to me. he sits on my lap and pets my hair.

"how do you do it so easily? h-how come you can talk to him and not have him hate you? why does he trust you so much more than me, his b-brother?" I ask the man on my lap. he kisses my cheek and hooks his finger under my chin, making me look at him.

"first off, I don't yell at him. that's your first problem. secondly, I show him I trust him and care about him. I'm not saying you don't, but you're definitely not showing him you do." Quackity says. I nod in response, swallowing a shaky breathe.

I can't help but cry a little more and bury my face into the crook of his neck. he combs his fingers through my hair some more to calm me down, which actually works a little.

I wrap my arms around him and rock us a little in the chair. he starts humming a random song as I finish crying.

"Quackity I- thank you. you're a better... a better brother to him than I am..."

"I have to be. he was there when I needed someone, and I wasn't when he did. I'm repaying an impossible debt."

"he's going to hate us. I know he hates Dream but..."

"we are doing what we need to do Wil. I'm ready to accept whatever Tommy thinks of us, of me. but this way he is safer from Dream more than ever." Quackity reassures me.

"we are going to have this server at our fingers. we are finally have the power we deserve. WE, Wilbur, are going to rule together." Quackity says as he adjusts himself so that he is straddling my lap.

"Wil, our time is coming. everyone gets what they want. Dream gets his freedom, Techno gets blood, Tommy gets protection, and we," Quackity inches his face closer to mine. "we get this server under our thumbs together. everyone wins."

I let out a low laugh and wipe the remainder of my tears away and laugh more. Quackity starts laughing as well, and then both of us are letting out crazy laughs as we hold eachother.

"nobody, I mean it, not those assholes from Kinoko Kingdom, not BadBoyHalo, nobody, will be getting in our way!" I laugh out.

we connect our lips like we did before Tommy caught us, laughing between kisses. it makes me more excited for when we rule. when we are in charge, no more hiding.

no more sneaking back and forth.

no more fighting between us.

no more excuses.

no more bullshit.

it will finally be us.

do we deserve this power? maybe. maybe not. but we are getting it. one way or another. the sacrifices we've made will be worth it when Las Nevadas is ours. when everything is ours.

I grab Quackitys hips and grind him against me. he let's out low moans. I love his sound. his sounds, his touch, he looks, his aura, everything about him screams power and beauty.

he is the new sunrise.

Quackitys lips go from my lips to my jaw to then my neck. this time he doesn't hold back and bites and sucks my neck. working his mark onto me. I grind down harder, my pants feeling more uncomfortable.

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