Prologue Part 1 (Keigo)

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This story is being written in collaboration with TheWriterShikari787 It will be posted on both accounts with one chapter posted per week.

Pain is the only thing I can register right now. This is far worse than the cramps I usually would get, but I thought my shots had stopped that. I haven't had to deal with this since the Hero Commission let me start on hormone therapy, but I guess maybe it just made my periods more infrequent instead of getting rid of them completely. The length of time since my last one is probably why it hurts so badly.

I lay in my bed, curled up on myself, trying to combat the pain, when I felt the pressure of the cramp shift. My cramps have been coming and going throughout the night not allowing me to sleep, and now it feels more like my body is forcing something out. I rushed to the bathroom in the house that the Commission had set up for my mother and I after they basically bought me in order to train the "Perfect" hero. 

With an instinct telling me that I'm not about to take a shit, I remove my pants and boxers to crouch in the shower. I just somehow know that sitting on the toilet is the worst possible thing to do, but I don't understand why until it's most of the way out, and I can see it beneath me. It's an egg, a blue egg. How is that possible? I'm human, I was born like any normal human, but apparently my wings mean that I lay eggs. I guess it's better than pushing wings out like my mother had to with me.

WAIT! I just laid an egg, that means… Shit, I have to go tell Touya, but what do I do about the egg? I can't just leave it here. If this is anything like chicken eggs, it'll need warmth and to be rotated. My wings instinctually wrap around the egg to keep it warm. Now, how am I supposed to get my pants back on like this?

The egg is small, about the size of what I've heard newborn babies are, and I can hold it in one arm, so I get it nestled into place in one arm with that wing wrapping around the egg to trap in warmth while I use the other hand to try and pull my pajama pants back on. It's a lengthy process as I've never tried this one handed before, but I somehow manage. 

When I finally find myself back in my room, I check the time to find that the Commission woman who comes to pick me up every day will be here any minute now for training. How exactly am I supposed to get dressed while keeping the egg warm? A quick glance around the room leads me to my bed. I have a bunch of blankets in the trunk at the foot of my bed, so maybe I can create a nest of sorts to put it in at least long enough to get my clothes on.

I don't have time to eat at this point, and I'm exhausted, but I have to go for my training. I don't get a choice in the matter, so when the Commission woman arrives, I'm standing by the door with the egg swaddled in a blanket and wrapped in one of my wings. I can tell that she wants to ask about the mass in my arms, but over the past few years of taking me to and from the Commission building, she's learned not to ask questions, for all she knows, it could be some part of my training, and I'm grateful for her silence. The fewer people who know about this, the better. Just the thought that I can lay eggs is enough to bring forward the negative emotions that my natural body brings me, I don't need a lot of people knowing it's possible as well and risk getting misgendered over it. No, I'll only explain the egg to the head of the Hero Commission and see if she can help me get things situated so that I won't have to worry about what will happen while I'm training. 

"What on earth are you holding?" the woman in charge of the Hero Commission asks as soon as I'm standing in front of her. Unfortunately, the rest of the board are there as well, but I know better than to ignore her question.

I gently unwrap my Endeavor blanket from the top of the egg. I'm not exactly sure how to answer her question further than simply showing her the blue shell of the egg.

She sighs. "This is why I told you not to associate with anyone outside of the Commission. Training for today is canceled, and I will have someone deliver an incubator to the house later today. Prepare yourself for extra intensive training tomorrow."

I nod silently in fear that anything I say will anger her and lead to something being done to hurt my egg rather than them helping me to keep it safe.

My usual chauffeur is called upon to return me home, and I wait in my room, not wanting to risk dealing with my mother, until someone arrives with what I can only describe as an incubator meant for ostrich eggs. No matter, it'll work to keep my little one warm while I train because no matter how much dysphoria the egg's existence causes me, I can't imagine getting rid of it.

As soon as the incubator is set up, and my egg has been placed in it, I head out to the Todoroki household to find Touya. He's usually home around now, so I should be able to talk to him, but when I knock on the door, his little sister, Fuyumi, answers instead of him or his mother.

"Is Touya here?" I ask her. I've never met any of his siblings before since he's usually outside already, waiting for me, or when I do have to knock, his mother would answer, but of course it's not possible for her to be there since she's in a mental hospital after what she did to Touya's younger brother, Shouto. 

Upon hearing her older brother's name, Fuyumi looks worried. "He asked father to meet him on Sekoto Hill, but father hasn't left the house, and I worry that Touya is still training despite how much his quirk hurts him."

Worry fills me as I immediately take to the sky, ignoring the fact that I'm not supposed to use my quirk, even for transportation, outside of the training grounds that the Hero Commission has set up for me. I know all the worries and self doubts that Touya holds and just how much the boy wants to be recognized by Endeavor, and that only makes me worry more. One of these days, Touya is going to end up killing himself with his quirk just to get Endeavor's attention, and I desperately hope that day isn't today. Touya needs to know about the egg. He needs to know what our love has created.

When I get to the hill where Touya and I had first met three years ago, the entire area is engulfed in blue flames. He promised me that he wouldn't practice without me there. Why didn't he keep his promise? Was he that desperate to get Endeavor's attention that he just forgot about our promises to one another?

I search the blazing blue inferno from above for any trace of my boyfriend's snow white hair. He has to be there. I have to save him. He needs to know what we created. But, no matter how much I search, there's absolutely no trace of the boy I love. As much as I hope that he managed to escape, I just know that's not the case. Touya is gone, and he'll never get to know that he's going to be a father.

Next chapter will be posted on TheWriterShikari787's account along with a repost of this chapter on Saturday.

New Hawks Chapters will be posted every Wednesday on this copy of the story.

New Dabi chapters will be posted every Saturday on TheWriterShikari787 's copy of the story.

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