She Was My Friend

Start from the beginning

The boy walking beside her can't see what she's doing, but he can infer based on the conversation. "Feeling regretful about splitting from this person?"

"...No...well, maybe a little. But she's much stronger than I am, anyway. Back then, I was a hindrance. No better than I'm sure Koharu may be for you if you'd allow yourself to admit it."

"I never will admit that, but Ko believes it. If anything, that's what drives her, to be anything but a hindrance to me. But I am no better. My instinct is to protect her. Whoever this friend of yours was, I'm sure the role of veteran-rookie was similar to me and Ko, But even when she said I should leave her behind, I couldn't find myself doing it. That's where your friend failed, as the veteran." Jaymes stops and turns to Asuna, his brown eyes soft and bright in the moonlight. "Kirito and I... I know you and I have our issues with each other, maybe it's our personalities and Kirito is Kirito, but as long as the four of us are a party, us boys won't abandon you. I don't say that because of some sort of twisted fantasy born out of puberty. If anything, Kirito is a little too innocent and I have my limits, having grown up with a girl back in the other world. And I don't know if you and I can be considered friends. Yet... Something tells me I have to watch out for you as much as I do for Koharu and Kirito. I believe, in due time, you'll be the strongest player of the four of us."

Asuna scoffs and watches as Kizmel continues onward, passing them without saying a word. "Don't sell yourself short."

"I mean it...and I think Kirito thinks it too. And one day, I'm sure Koharu will be my equal, if not better. That's why I can't abandon either of you. As for Kirito, he's the first guy I can call a friend of sorts." He shrugs and turns back on his heel. "Just saying, we won't do to you what your friend did."

"Still, it's my fault I was alone."

"Oh, that's something we agree on, but that doesn't mean it should've happened. You know what, if we ever see this person, I'll give her a piece of my mind."

Asuna smiles at the thought of the red warrior lecturing on the values of leaving a newbie behind to another veteran player, but she doesn't get the chance to voice it as Kizmel calls out to them. "Jaymes, Asuna, it seems there's a gathering of humans nearby, on the path to the camp."

Jaymes sighs and jogs up to Kizmel. "Let me guess, blue armor and green armor?"

"Yes, Jaymes. Have you encountered these humans before?"

"Unfortunately, it is a necessary evil."

Asuna catches up and sees the colored players up ahead along the path. Seems they're arguing with each other...and with others, based on how they're positioned. A hidden, third party and she can only think of who they are. "I bet Kirito and Koharu are somewhere in there. Kizmel, use your invisibility to hide until I give the signal to unveil yourself, but stick close."

"Will do."


He frowns as one of the players' voices carries into the air, as if the volume of it annoys him. Asuna just knows it isn't Kibaou. "Let's go."

Days later, on the same floor, a half-hour after Nerius the Evil Treant was defeated...

"Message received. Good work, ya four." Argo smiles and sends a congratulatory message back to the sender, then turns her eyes to the girl who just asked a question that requires a hefty sum to be paid. It'll be a while before the gate to the fourth floor opens, so she's in no rush to make a dash to the Celestial Tower and ascend from there. That gives her time to give her client all the information she wants...for the right price?

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