Chapter 13 - H : Fireworks

Start from the beginning

"This is what you get for being a meanie and tripping me over" She reminded me.

I had tears in my eyes from all the tickling.

"Have you seen Mom and Dad" Gems asked while looking around. I realised we had come so far away that we couldn't even spot them.

"Are we lost?" I asked her.

"They must be somewhere here, I will go and check, you stay here, don't move"

"Alright" I chirped.

I wasn't worried, they will find us. I stared at the dark sky which was starting to light up.

Bang, boom boom boom.

The firecrackers made amazing noises. So magical, the night decorated in golden, green and red explosions above us.

It looked amazing and I couldn't stop smiling. Mildly chilly water touched my skin, I guess, I had moved to close to the ocean. I kept staring for a very long time, enjoying the view.

HAPPY 2001 :D

There were many people around me but my family was missing.

Where were they?

I started to get bit worried, it was getting cold, I needed a hug. My eyes started watering up. Should I look for them but Gems told me to stay put?

The fireworks became louder and one of the rockets, if that's what it was, blew up right in front of me. I felt the heat coming off it. It scared me and I started shaking. My vision became hazy.

A face popped up below me.

"You ok?" It was a boy my age.

His golden brown eyes shined through my clouded sight. Like fireworks.

"It's ok" He wiped off the tears off my cheeks. I didn't realize, I was crying.

I rubbed my eyes with back of my hand. He had pretty pretty bright eyes. I couldn't form words. He rubbed my back and kept assuring me it was ok; it's was going to be alright. I hugged him, burying my face in his chest.

"Did the firecrackers scare you?" He asked in an odd voice. He had an accent.

Was he an alien?

He looked like one, too nice and pretty to be true. I finally nodded in response to his question.

"It's no big deal" Here give me your hand. I did.

"Thank you" my voice was small and shaky.

He held my right hand and pointed it at the sky. Showing me how far the fireworks where, his hands on top mine, both of us pointing at the sky. He moved his fingers like a wave.

"See! Now you do it"

I moved my fingers just like him, the night felt magical again. My back against his chest, the ocean in front of us. It felt warm and comforting. Both of us pointing at the sky, so silly. It made me laugh. He was right, there was nothing to be afraid of, in the moment I felt nothing could hurt me.

"Look at that one" he turned me towards the right side. Golden rings illuminating the sky.

"Wow!" I exclaimed.

It made the ocean water shine.

"I think I am lost"

"Yeah?" I turned my face to look at him.

"I don't know where is my family"

"Come let's look for them"
And we did, everywhere, with his mother accompanying us.

"Harry, Harry"

what's with every one shouting my name today? I mused.

It was Gemma near the water fountain. We started walking up to her and she ran towards us.

"I told you not to move"

"You took a lifetime to get me"

"Good you found me, Mom has a bad stomach ache and Dad is taking her to the Hospital, we are supposed to go home with the Robinsons"

Our neighbors.

"Come let's go, we are already late" She snatched my hand from his, thanking them. He let me go.

I hoped Mom wasn't too sick. I needed her.

"Is Mom ok?" I asked concerned while looking back at him. He hands stretched out towards me, waving me goodbye.

"Don't worry she will fine" Gems replied confidently.

"I am Harry" I told him loudly.
"I know" he replied.

And then we were walking towards the parking lot, out of his sight. I didn't even get the time to ask his name.

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