chapter twenty four (last chapter)

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Your pov (back to the future chapter where you came back to life)

"I'm alive" i said looking at Victor, i then felt a feeling that half of me missed and the other didn't "and hungry" i said right after recognizing the feeling of hunger, but if i was alive, and so was Victor, then Elder Gutknecht was right and now, my old beloved was...dead.

My old beloved...Barkis Bittern.

I smiled looking at Victor, did he really mean it, does he really love me? (Thinking of Kagami in Miraculous saying "do me too" lmao)

"Will you marry me now?" I heard him ask i nodded and said "yes". I felt his lips against mine again for a moment before Elder Gutknecht quite loudly and excitedly exclaimed that he would wed us and we followed him to the church, ignoring all the dead people walking around.

They were informed by Elder Gutknecht that Victor and i were going to get married and they all started following us to the church

I noticed Victoria meet up with the man se was previously seen with and smiled as they hugged and followed us to the church

In the church, everyone sat down and we stood at the alter. Elder Gutknecht then started speaking "dearly beloved and departed. We are gathered here today to join these men in marriage. Speak your vows" he wanted this to be over quick i believe.

Victor spoke his vows, i almost cried as i remembered how he said them the first time we met, he even added a few lines which made my now beating heart race. I said my vows but halfway through, we were interrupted as Barkis stepped into the church.

Everyone stood up and looked at him as he walked up to us. "Lovely wedding. But have you forgotten that this is my day?" He walked up to Victoria and Reginald. He grabbed Victoria and pulled her toward him "and have you forgotten that you are my wife and im not leaving empty-handed!"

"Step away from her Barkis" i said as i took a step forward "you look good for a dead man (y/n)" he said as he grabbed a sword and held it against Victorias throat "funny, i could say the same thing about you" i said as i grabbed a sword of my own and pointed it at him "let her go and get out" i said he must still think he's alive.

As he was distracted by me, Victor grabbed his sword from behind him and Victoria ran to Reginald "you wouldn't kill me" he said as he took a step toward me "i thought the same thing about you. Unlike you, i don'thave to kill you" i said as i took a step closer to him, making him take another back.

"Leave, never return" i warned. He was about to talk more when every one of the dead stood up and glared at him. He got scared and ran off, but not with a few of the dead following after him.

He'll have fun in the underworld.

After he was gone, i was able to finish my vows and we were officially married, we spoke about living in my families old manor until we could afford to either fix it up or buy a new one, one of our own.

I was finally happy, we were happy.

Later (little extra lol)

Victor and i were in my parents old manor, organizing and cleaning when suddenly he asked "how did you ever fall for him? He's terrible...was he different when he was younger? Handsome maybe"

I turned and looked at the things that were on the ground "" remembering how he was with me and only me, but, he changed and i now have someone who really loves me


I honestly think this was a shitty ending but i actually really don't know how to end books, my last chapters always just end up looking rushed and unfinished but i tried.

Sorry lol

Thanks for reading!

Left for dead is out for a 'will it succeed' test, second chapter will be out in two days.

Left for dead: a prequel on how you met, fell in love, was robbed and left for dead by Barkis Britten


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