chapter six

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Victors pov

It had been nearly three hours since we started the rehearsal. The pastor continually wanted us to repeat everything to make sure it would all be perfect for the actual wedding, or it could be that i kept messing up my lines.

"With this hand, i will lift your sorrows. Your cup will never empty for i shall be your wine. With this candle, i will light your way in darkness. With this ring, i ask you to be mine" the pastor said. He looked at me "lets try this again" he said and i replied with a "yes, yes sir"

"With, this candle" i started and put the candle i held near the flame of another candle. I tried to light the one in my hand but it wouldn't so i tried again "with...this candle" it wouldn't light "this candle" still wouldn't light "this candle"

I could feel the pastors eyes burn through me, then i heard my mothers voice from behind "shall i get up there and do it for him?" Then my fathers reply to her "dont get all aflutter dear" i looked over at them to see my mother fanning herself then i looked to Victorias parents and they were also glaring right at me.

I swallowed hard as the pastor cleared his throat and tried to light the candle again, this time finally lighting it. "With this candle-" i accidentally blew out the small fire and hears sighs and groans from both behind and in front of me.

"Continue!" The pastor spoke loudly, now not caring if the candle was lit or not.

Suddenly a loud bell was heard echoing throughout the home. Lord Everglot told the butler to get the door and the pastor told us to start at the candle but again, but before we could, someone walked in with the butler.

The butler gave lord Everglot a small card and said "a lord Barkis, sir" then left as the man walked up to lore Everglot and spoke "i haven't a head for dates, apparently, im a day early for the ceremony."

They ordered a seat for him as they asked one another from who's side of the family the strange man was from. He told us to carry on and the pastor told us to try again, well, he told me.

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