Chapter 13 (Kat)

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All twenty-four tributes are arranged in a line backstage before the interviews begin, according to their district, which naturally means I'm last. Capitol attendants and film crew rush in and out, of the room, frantically preparing to air in five minutes time. I wait patiently in my obnoxious black dress, that drapes irritatingly down to my shoes. Kostas has me wearing golden patches of material in my hair and matching platform shoes, as well as several black and gold bracelets that hang limply around my wrists. If I had a choice, I would break them off with my teeth, but Kostas told me the jewelry would make me appeal to the crowd, so I try to pull my attention away from my clothes. My eyes dart around the room, desperately searching for something else to focus on when I catch sight of Astra. I want to look away, but her costume, everything about her is completely mesmerising, and...deadly. 

Astra's fiery red hair is held back in a ponytail and I notice that her features have been accentuated by heavy layers of makeup. She looks like a porcelain doll, wearing a pale pink dress, that sits perfectly on her hips and puffs out at the skirt. Not wanting her to notice my staring, I quickly look away. But I can't help thinking that her outfit has made an impression.

Soon after, the show begins and Caesars theme starts to blare out from the speakers. He marches out on stage, holding a microphone to his lips and tossing praise and "Thank you's" towards the audience as they roar in excitement. Caesar then invites Apollo on stage, who struts out confidently and sits down next to him, grinning and waving to the crowd. I lose interest when Caesar begins the interview, and soon it's Stella's turn. She wears a baby blue dress, covered in more gems and rhinestones like what she wore to the opening ceremony. Stella moves gracefully onto the stage, and as soon as she appears on the screen that's in front of us backstage, her costume begins to glitter aggressively in the artificial light, causing the audience to rise to their feet in applause. 

Caesar congratulates her on the magnificent entrance, and stella begins her spiel about how lucky she is to represent district one in the hunger games.

One by one, the tributes walk out onto the stage, greeted by Caesar flickerman who asks them various different questions. The audience is like a live creature. Swelling, and pulsating with excitement as Caesar continues the interviews. They're hungry for entertainment, demanding to be fed. Their victims, this year's tributes are completely unsuspecting as they wander out onto the stage into the jaws of the eager crowd. The crowd with it's collective beating heart and heavy breathing that fills the studio with noise. Astra saches into the limelight, and the audience creature erupts into a chorus of ravenous applause. It's as though starving for the pleasure of the games. It's sickening.

Astra sits down in the seat opposite to Caesar, grinning and showing off her perfect white teeth, as he begins to ask her questions.

Eventually it's Akio's turn. He spins to face me and I give him a pleading smile as if I'm asking him to make an effort for the audience. He seems to understand, returning my smile before adjusting his posture and strolling onto the stage. Akio waves to the crowd, who are once again intoxicated by his natural charm. They chant his name like it's some kind of capitol gospel, clapping and applauding as he perches down on the seat. Caesar Flickerman begins the interview by asking how Akio has adapted to Capitol life.

"It's very different here." Says Akio "It's fancy." Caesar and the audience laugh and it feels as though the whole studio is vibrating with the sounds. "Now Akio..." Inquires Caesar. "How do you feel about going into the games tomorrow?" Akio's expression wobbles, but he manages to maintain his calm dementor. "I'm bloody thrilled." He says, sarcasm lacing his voice. Once again the crowd bursts into a roar of laughter. Caesar chuckles and continues to make small talk until the time for their interview is almost up. "Now i'll leave you with one final question young man." The interviewer says slowly. "Do you think you have the skills and the guts to win this year's games?" Akio seems to visibly stop breathing, but only for a second.
"Maybe." He says. "Just maybe" Akio smiles to himself.

Suddenly Caesar is calling my name. I force myself to take a breath, before walking out onto the stage. The light is sharp, and blinding, it's like being slapped by an invisible force. I can hear the audience cheering for my as I make my way to the seat, but it's hard to process everything. Caesar Flickerman grins at me and extends his hand for me, which I take shaking it firmly, before sinking down into the seat. The audience dies down as Caesar asks his opening question. 

"Do you feel lucky to be here Kat?" he says grinning.

"Well if I ended up here then I don't imagine that the odds are in my favour." I say bluntly. The audience erupts into laughter followed caesar who seems to approve of my joke. At least I have my dry, sarcastic humour in my arsenal. "Well I can only imagine how you feel right now. Could you expand on that?" asks Caesar. I don't really know how to answer this question, so I say the first thing that comes to mind.

"I feel bloody brilliant Caesar. You know? I totally woke up on reaping day and thought Hmm I would just love to be chosen for a televised death match. Yeah, that's on my to-do list!"  I wasn't trying to be funny when I said that. But everyone seems to love it. I even catch Haymitch cracking a smile in the audience. I guess this whole getting people to like me thing isn't so hard after all. 

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