Chapter 10 (Akio)

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Day 2 in the training centre. Tomorrow we will be assessed one by one in front the the gamemakers, who will decide on a score for each tribute. The scores correspond to the individual's skill set and will help people chose who to bet on or sponsor as the games unfold. I still haven't figured out what I'm going to do to impress them, but the gamemakers are usually a tough crowd so I'll have to do something worth their while. 

I meet Kat at the plant and insect station, where we spend several hours studying different types of foliage and various other things that we may be able to use to help in the arena. We then move the shelter and knot tying station. Kat picks up some of the snares and traps pretty quickly, but it doesn't come quite as naturally to me, and they end up having to show me what to do. 

"I've been thinking..." they say while using their thigh as an anchor as they demonstrate a type of knot. I try to ignore the building lump in my throat, and follow Kat's instructions as their fingers nibberly weave the rope in on itself. 

"I want you as my ally."

The air seems to get caught in my throat, like i'm trying to swallow my surprise. "Really?" I say, a little to eagerly. Kat nods, holding one end of the rope between their teeth. "We work well together." they add finishing up the knot. I copy the last step, and my eyes widen in shock when I realise what we've both created. A noose. Kat snorts with laughter making a hanging motion and swinging the rope in their grip. The corners of my mouth curls into a smile, but we both notice the trainer staring at us, so together, we scurry off to where the huge climbing net hangs down from the ceiling. "Watch this." say Kat, as they hoist themselves up. The net swings violently, but they hang on, grabbing another part of the rope and pulling themselves further up. Kat places their foot in another  rung that's sags and sways with their weight.

 As they continue to climb the net, getting higher and higher, I register that most of the other tributes are watching. Kat doesn't notice. Instead they use their strength to hoist their body up to where their head connect with the ceiling at least 15 feet up. Upon reaching their goal, Kat makes a satisfied face and climbs back down as though nothing happened. Once they're on the ground, I realise I'm grinning. 

"That was incredible!" I exclaim. Kat's face flushes red under the florescent lights of the training center. "Told you I was stealthy." They chuckle. I brush my fingers through my hair as I try to think of what to say next. When the words don't form, I simply smile again, and Kat does the same. 

"I wanted to prove to you that I'll be a worthwhile ally." they admit under their breath. and I grind my teeth slightly in frustration. "You have nothing to prove!" I say "We're friends remember." 

"Thanks Akio." Kat breathes. 

"But that was definitely impressive!" I say between laughs. 


"Do you know what you're going to do for the gamemakers?" Kat asks, breaking the silence. We've been sitting in the apartment living room, an hour after training finished, talking about nothing in particular, when suddenly this becomes the conversation topic, and my stomach does a summersault. "No idea." I mumble, slightly embarrassed that I'm so ill prepared for the games. "That's ok." says Kat. "I think I might do my knife throwing, since I've gotten pretty good at it." The silence that usually seems to swell and fester around us in awkward situations has returns, so I do the best thing I can think of to do. Which is to bury my face in the nearest cushion and hope to dissolve into the sofa. This doesn't happen. instead, Kat wraps their arms around me, and gives me a tight hug. 

"You should show them your wits. And your strength." They say, forcing me to look them directly in the eyes. Show them that you're smart. They can't ignore that." I nod feebly. "Good luck tomorrow." Kat says, before leaving me alone with my thoughts. 


I wait in a room with the other tributes, as our names are called one by one. Each person gets fifteen minutes alone with the gamemakers, and so I've been sitting, chewing my nails in anticipation for almost the entire day before my name is called. 

"Akio Blackthorn." I rise to my feet nervously. My muscles feel numb as my legs carry me towards the automatic door that slides out of place, signaling for me to enter. Once I'm inside the training room by myself, the door clicks disjointedly back into place, and seals me in. I shuffle towards the balcony where the gamemakers sit around a table. They notice me, and pull their focus towards me, making no attempts to hide the distaste behind their eyes. I clear my throat and state my name and district as I was instructed to do, before making my way to the center of the room.

First of all, I practise at the plants and insects station. My progress is projected on a screen in front of the gamemakers so that they can see I'm choosing the correct answers, but they don't seem interested in me at all. Even when I reach 100% on the programme, they still aren't impressed. 


by the time I'm done at the first station, I've barely got any time left to show them what I can do. At this rate I might not even score a five. Panic rises in my chest, and my rib cage feels like it's been stuffed with cotton wool. 

Suddenly an idea sparks inside my brain, and embeds itself there in an instant. I retrieve a long length of rope, gripping it tightly in the palm of my hand before I hitch it around my thigh and begin to recall the steps that Kat taught me earlier. I weave it in and out of various loops, twisting and manipulating the rope until I have my desired result. I shuffle over to the training bars, and climb up about a quarter of the way up so that I'm around three feet above the floor. Once I'm sure I have the gamemakers attention, I throw one end of my creation over the bar in front of me and tie it in place.

Without much hesitation I slip the necklace of rope around my neck and let my body fall forwards. 

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