Chapter 12 (Akio)

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Our interviews with Caesar Flickerman are this evening, and Effie Trinket has mapped out my day for me. First of all I have a private session with Haymitch Abernathy, to coach me on what to say during the interview, followed by a meeting with my stylist Kostas who will tell me everything there is to know about my outfit for this evening. And if all goes to plan, I'll get the audience to like me. 

Kat and I eat breakfast, making small talk about various different things. I am just taking s bite of of a croissant when they ask me how I'm feeling after my session with the gamemakers.

"Fine." I mutter, attempting to hide the hint of a smile that always seems to follow at the memory of giving those wicked people such a fright. Kat rolls their eyes. "Ok, my neck's a little bruised." I admit, rubbing it slightly, "But I already told you, it's nothing. And If I got a seven because of it, which I did." I add "Then it was worth it!" 

"I wonder what our stylists will design for us this evening." says Kat. I start to think of all the horrific things they could force us to wear in front of thousands of people. But then the idea of it all gets to much, and I simply have to push the thought out of my mind. "Could be anything." I say through mouthfuls.

"I don't think I'll be too bad in the interview." Kat declares confidently. 

"Oh yeah?" 

"Yeah!" they insist. "I'm good at talking to people. I mean, I got you to be my friend. So it won't be too hard to get a bunch of colourful freaks to pity me or something." I let out a snort of laughter, and it burns as the orange juice I just drank threatens to poor from my nose. Kat giggles too. "I'll see you later." They say, before leaving to clear their plate and following Effie to find Haymitch for their coaching session. 


Kat emerges an hour later looking thoroughly exhausted. I know Kat and Haymitch don't exactly have a great relationship, and I heard a lot of shouting earlier, so I'm not exactly surprised that their one to one meeting didn't go well. But it's my turn now, so I guess talking to them about it can wait.

I sit down in a chair opposite to haymitch, anxiously chewing the flesh on the inside of my cheek as I wait for him to say something. Eventually he does, but not after he's let the silence sink into my bones. "What are your strengths Akio?" He asks, his expression changing from unreadable to brisk. "I don't know." I mumble quietly, tucking my head against my chest, attempting to avoid eye contact. Haymitch grumbles "That's not good enough boy! I mean, how did you get Kat to like you? start with that." 

"I don't know." I say again, this time more insistently. Because the truth is, I'm in way over my head here. Haymitch sighs, taking a long sip from his glass before asking me another question. "Do you think you could talk to Caesar confidently?" I nod. I suppose I'm not bad if I'm being asked the questions, as long as I don't have to initiate any conversations I should be ok. "Well that's a start." he says. "I'm naturally friendly... y'know! outgoing?" I tell Haymitch, who looks at me without saying another word. I grind my teeth slightly "Well, say something!" I say forcefully.

"I can work with friendly."


Haymitch and I work together for the next hour, practising changing my pitch or tone of voice, and addressing the audience. Once my mentor is somewhat satisfied, I am free to go. I mutter a "Thanks" to him before leaving the room. I slowly turn to face Effie, who is waiting patiently outside for me, dressed in a neon yellow pant suit with a matching bright orange wig and lashes. She looks like some sort of bizarre capitol confection, but I keep this thought to myself to avoid further conflict with my team. She quickly escorts me to the elevator down to where my stylist is waiting. He greets me with a wide smile, ushering me into another room.

I perch on a chair nervously, as Kostas produces a device which switches on the projector. He presses a few buttons, and the blank wall in front of me illuminates slightly, revealing another black suit. The costume that my stylist has designed is made from a smooth glossy material, similar to the outfits from the opening ceremony, it is adorned with gold accents, representing the fire that burns from coal. it's clever really, I think as I study the costume. The sleeves widen at the wrists, revealing shiney copper fishnets underneath, for me to wear as gloves, and a tie with flecks of gold speckled across it like paint. It's not bad. 

I thank Kostas for his hard work before trudging back to the district twelve apartment. This evening could hold anything for Kat and I. But it's just two minutes that I have to remain fixed in my seat, being interrogated by Caesar Flickerman in front of an audience. Only two minutes. I can do that right?


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