Tae smiled and cuddled up to Jungkook by wrapping his arms around his waist and head on his chest. Jungkook also immediately put one arm from behind Tae's back to his shoulder and other hand on his waist. He pulled him more closer and kissed his forehead.

"Soon to be husband - sounds good right?"

"Husband will sound perfect! Jeon Jungkook and Jeon Taehyung."

"Jeon Taehyung" Tae whispered "Jeon Taehyung" He smiled widely.

"My husband....I love you pretty doctor"

"I love you too my muscle bunny. Now lets enjoy our last cuddle as boyfriends because after that we'll be doing it as husbands."

"Oh baby! When we'll become husbands, things won't stop only to cuddles. There's many more things to do as husbands." Jungkook wiggled his eyebrows and Tae hit his chest.


Tae immediately looked up and rubbed his chest "did it hurt?" Jungkook smiled and shook his head only to get another hit on his chest.

"Drama king!"

"Only for you my pretty king!" He pulled Tae more to himself and Tae happily snuggled more with his nose now buried into crook of Jungkook's neck, inhaling his scent deeply. He placed a kiss there and in return Jungkook placed a kiss on tip of his nose making him giggle.

"Good night soon to be husband"

"Good night love...can't wait to see you in wedding dress."

"Me too"

And they slept in each other's embrace, inhaling the comforting sweet body scents of each other. It was their intimacy, the cuddles which they get everytime they were together. Jungkook is a person who believes that sex is a thing that should never be rushed. When it happens with your partner's consent, when it happens step by step like making out and then things automatically move further...that, that is the best feeling ever and ohh how special there first time is gonna be because Jungkook wants to take care of his pretty doctor, he wants to make him feel loved and he will pour his all love during their first time because Tae was his treasure and he'd never hurt him...not even in his dreams.


"Hyung, my heart is gonna explode!" Jungkook rubbed his hands nervously on Yoongi's suit who removed his hands annoyingly for nth time.

"Stand straight, Tae is about to come!"

"Thats the reason hyung! He'll be looking gorgeous. My heart will explode. I am gonna cry, shout, jump....I don't know what will I do when I'll see him!"

"Calm your ass down Jungkook!"

"Hyung you are not understanding my situation."

"I was literally in the same situation months ago!"

"Aaah I will go crazy!"

"Then go crazy...there he is!" Yoongi said and Jungkook eyes immediately went to the aisle and all his movements came to halt. Yoongi side eyed him and shook his head with a little smile.

There was he, his pretty doctor, his love...his dream. Tae was walking down the aisle, with eyes low, hands interwined with Jin's, bouquet in the other hand, white outfit, red hair......looking gorgeous.

looking gorgeous

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